The battle

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Soon after percy woke up and their final planning of the attack, they all were ready for battle. Peter and percy both in armor on their horse and unicorn leading the attack. Edmund with the archers as the griffin lands in front of the riders.

"They come, Your Highnesses, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." He said 

"Numbers do not win a battle," Oerius said 

"No. But I bet they help." Peter said 

" to an extent," Percy said holding her sword out. Peter sighed as they see the witch army coming to them.

"Don't I get a kiss for luck? It's kind of a tradition for you, right?" He said to percy. She blushed a bit before smirking. "Come back alive, Blondie. Then we'll see." She said

" I will take it as a yes"

Jadis' army arrived on the other side. She was wearing Aslan's mane as her own. this made percy eyes go cold in anger as she remembers what she had done.

She was controlling a carriage being pulled by polar bears holding her staff. Peter looks at Edmund who nods, then to percy who nods as well. He drew out his sword, and both he and percy raised their sword in the air as the horn blasted making their army cheer ready to fight.

"I have no interest in prisoners." Jadis said to her general "Kill them all." The minotaur general roared as her army cheered ready to slaughter. The first part of her army runs into the battlefield as she reminds her carriage still.

Peter and percy watch them come charging as Edmund drew out his sword ready to signal. Peter and percy looked at each, nods and together they signal the griffins to take flight on an air attack 

Look to the sky!" the general of Jadis said to the army. As the griffins rain down heavy boulder attacks onto the army, Jadis's men try to shoot them down.

"Are you with me?" Peter said to Oerius

To the death." He replied. Peter looks at percy who smirked and twirled her sword "Someone has to watch out for your and Edmund's backside" she said making him chuckle before lowering his helmet 

"For Narnia and for Aslan!" He yelled as he, percy, and Oerius leads the charge of Attack "GO!" Percy yelled as they rode on to battle.

"Go! For Aslan!" Thier army yelled

Edmund and the archers watched the front line attack. Peter lower the mask on his helmet as they fought and slayed Jadis's army. Percy used both her sword and the water satchel to kill the army as well as being very skilled in weaponry on horseback.

Meanwhile, Susan and Lucy were still on Aslan's side on the stone table as daylight comes. 

We should go." Susan said getting off the table. "I'm so cold," Lucy said as they both leave the stone table. they walked down a few steps as the wind blew. but suddenly they felt the ground shake as something cracks behind them.

"Susan!" Lucy said turning back to see the stone table broken in half

Where's Aslan?" Lucy said 

What have they done?" Susan said but suddenly as the sun shine brightly at them as Aslan emerged fit and healthy, his mane shine bright as the sunlight surround his body giving him a regal godlike look. In the distance, percy felt the change in magic and smiled a bit before she focused once again on the battlefield 

"Aslan!" The girls both yelled and hugs the lion as he chuckled

"But we saw the knife. The Witch." Susan said 

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently." Aslan said as they walks past the broken stone table "That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even death itself will turn backward."

Percy Jackson: The Lion, the Witch and The wardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now