Caitlin pov
5 minutes earlier

I was sitting in the car waiting on Dad. He had been gone for a little while, and I was starting to worry. 'I haven't heard anything bad yet, so maybe it's ok...' I thought, but soon after, I thought that I heard a gunshot and jumped. It's muffled by the music playing from my headphones, but I still hear it, and to be honest, it scared me. Just as I thought something bad had happened I saw a figure walking towards the car I figured it was my dad or someone from intelligence coming to tell me it was okay so I leaned forward ready to guess who it is but as soon as I lean forward I see a man I don't know. He's wearing a black ski mask and all-black clothes, and I see a gun in his hand. I didn't think he saw it, so I laid down on the floor, but just my luck he did, and he started shooting at the truck. I covered my head as Dad and Uncle Will showed me. I could feel glass cutting my arms and my legs. I was so scared I was crying and covering my ears. I heard one last gunshot before I felt warm liquid seeping down my side.'Why is there so much blood from just glass...' I thought. I suddenly felt like the car was spinning. 'I'm scared, I don't know what's going on, I want my daddy...' The next thing that happens is a blur. I hear a door open before I feel arms around me, and I'm picked up at sat on the grass. I cry out in pain as I feel a slight pressure on my side, and I hear my dad whisper, "It's ok, Catie Daddy's here, you ok. Stay awake for me, ok?" "Daddy," I say before letting out a cry of pain as I feel a stabbing pain shoot up my side. The last thing I heard before darkness consumed me was my dad saying, "I love you, Catie."

Kevin's pov
20 minutes earlier

Me, Sarge, Kim, and Vanessa had all gone inside to catch the robbers while Hailey and Adam stayed with Antonio and Jay to watch their backs. Me and Vanessa went through the front while Kim and Voight were coming around the back. We took down five of the suspects, but three slipped out, so I started chasing them with Vanessa not far behind me. Just as I caught up to them, they turned and started shooting at us. I didn't have time to think as the first one fell to the ground, and then the second one fell shortly after. I looked around for the third offender but didn't see him anywhere. It took me a moment to register the face of the person who just ran past me but soon realized it was Jay. My first thought was he must be chasing the last guy, but oh, was I mistaken? I'm a little over a quarter of the way behind Jay when I hear gunshots. I freeze, and so does Jay, but just as fast as we freeze, we pick up the pace again, running faster than before When I finally catch up to Jay, I see why he was running so fast he wasn't trying to catch the guy he was worried about Caitlin. I didn't know she was here. I pick up my radio as Jay is pulling Caitlin out of the truck and say, "This is 5021 David. I need an Ambo at my current location. There is an 8-year-old girl her name is Caitlin Halstead she has a gunshot wound on her side." Shortly after I hear,"Copy that rolling and ambo your way." The unit must have heard cause a few seconds later I see Voight, Kim, and Antonio a couple of seconds later I see Vanessa, Adam, and Hailey running over with the paramedics Gabby and Sylvie. They get her on the stretcher and get her in the ambulance.

Jay's pov
Time 8:10

Gabby wheels Caitlin into the back of the ambulance, and I hop in after as soon as I am seated, I grab Catie's hand and squeeze it gently. I am freaking out on the inside, but I show no emotion. I have to stay strong for her. As I am sitting in the ambulance, staring at the blood on my hands. I think back to how I could have prevented this. There are dozens of ways I could have taken her to Mouse's he's home or let her stay with Hope and her husband our neighbors or the district and let her stay with the officers there or left an officer I trusted by the car or even taken her to Trudy she doesn't live far from me. My thoughts are spiraling as I can't help but feel a little selfish that I wish this was someone else's kid in this situation, not mine. When we finally arrived, I was almost in a full state of panic. We got out of the back of the ambulance, and they started to wheel Catie away with me not far behind. As the doors open, I can barely make out what Gabby is saying, "Caitlin Halstead, 8-year-old female, GSW to the stomach and major lacerations on her arms and legs Was unconscious before we got there."

Will's pov
Time 8:35

I was looking over some charts Maggie just gave me. I hear Maggie say, "Halstead trauma 3, Gabby, what have we got?"Caitlin Halstead, 8-year-old female, GSW to the stomach and major lacerations on her arms and legs. Was unconscious before we got there." I was shocked by what Gabby just said. My niece was shot. When, where, how, all these questions were spinning around in my head I didn't even realize that Maggie had handed her off to Marcel or that Jay was yelling at Maggie for not letting him in until Jay punched Earl. I snapped out of my thoughts and wrapped my arms around Jay's back, pinning his arms in place, and repeatedly told him to calm down as he struggled against me. When he finally calmed down, I let him go and asked Earl if he was OK. He said, "I'm a security guard. Will it's not like I've never been punched." I laughed a little, and he looked at Jay and said, "Detective Halstead, don't go punching any more people alright." Jay just nodded slightly and went back to watching Dr. Marcel works on helping Catie. I slowly led Jay out to the waiting room, where I saw Voight standing in the corner. Vanessa, Hailey, Kim, Kevin, and Trudy, along with Mouch, sat in chairs talking. Mouse and Adam argue about something while Antonio tries to calm them down, standing by the vending machine. As soon as they hear the doors open, they all look over. Jay walks to the far corner away from everyone. They all walk over to me. I  realize Jay doesn't want to talk, and the team asks if she's okay. I tell them I don't know and ask, "What happened." Kevin explained what happened, and I went back to work.

Jay's pov
Time 10:00

I had been sitting here for two hours. Most of the intelligence has left. All that's left is me, Hailey, Kevin, Mouse, Antonio, and Voight. Antonio was saying his goodbyes cause he needed to get home to his kids when Will walked in with Dr. Marcel. We all stood up and walked over to them. I quickly asked, "Is she ok." Dr. Marcel replied, "She had a few major lacerations that needed stitches, and we had to do emergency surgery to remove the bullet. She will need lots of rest. I will take you to see her now. We walk to her room, and I see her hooked up to all these machines. She looks so peaceful right now. I kiss her head, and I see her eyes start to flutter open. She looks up at me with tired eyes smile and whispers, "Daddy," "Hi baby, how do you feel," "My tummy hurts. Can you lay with me," she says with a small pout and then a small smile. "Alright, scoot over."Yay," I help her scoot over so she doesn't lay on anything that's connected to her, and eventually, she falls asleep.

A/n: Man, I did not expect it to be that long, but man, 2614 words. I would like to know what you think of this one because it is my favorite so far. Should I make a short part two about the recovery? I just realized I've got 126 reads wow.

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