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"Look out!"

"Guys get back!"

Jonathan passed us and Hopper's vehicle stopped in front of us. "Let's go."

Steve opened the door, letting us all pile in the back. Everybody was rushing, pushing and trying not to step on one another, while yelling "come on, let's go" and "hurry up". Once we were in, not really having time to get comfortable, Steve let Hopper know it was time to go.

I assumed we were going to the Byer's house. All of them were probably in Jonathan's car, which was better for them to be together.

Will was laid on the couch, peacefully sleeping. I hoped it was peaceful, at least. Probably better than being awake right now.

Jonathan kneeled beside him, combing his fingers through his hair, whispering "im sorry". This was heartbreaking to see. Knowing he thinks it's his fault, and yet again Will is in trouble not even a year later.

I gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, hoping it would help ease him. Behind me I could hear Hopper yelling on the phone, but I blocked it out. No telling how long it would take to receive help at the Lab. All I knew was to hope they brought enough people.

"Don't beat yourself up." I said joining Jonathan on the floor. He blinked a couple times, but kept his eyes on Will.

"None of this is your fault."

I reached for his free hand, enclosing it in both of mine. It was freezing to the touch and slightly shaking.

"I know you weren't here, but that is not your fault. You were looking for answers. We didn't know this would happen, Jonathan."

He shook his head, "But still, I should've been here. Watching him and my mom, making sure they were safe." He looked at me, "I can't help but feel guilty."

I frowned at his statement. "I promise, Will will be okay. This isn't your fault."

He leaned back and I took it as my chance to hug him. He relaxed into me, his body giving in from exhaustion. I could tell he was tired mentally and physically.

I looked behind me and saw everyone gathering at the table. I gave Jonathan a quick kiss on his cheek before standing up. "Let's go see." I smiled. He took my hand and followed me to the group.

Dustin slammed down a book, "The mind flayer."

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a monster from an unknown dimension. It's so ancient that it doesn't even know it's true home." He continued. "Okay, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly-developed psionic powers.

"I understand, but then again, I really don't." I sighed.

"Oh, my God, none of this is real. This is a kids' game."

"No, it's a manual. And it's not for kids. And unless you know something that we don't, this is the best metaphor—"

"Analogy." Lucas cuts in.

Dustin gives him a look, "Analogy? That's what you're worried about? Fine. An analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is."

"Okay so this mind flamer thing—" Nancy says.

"Flayer. Mind flayer."

"Okay, that was a good try." I say.

Nancy sighs, "What does it want?"

"To conquer us, basically. It believes it's the master race."

"Like the Germans?" Steve chimes in.

What the hell was he talking about...

[IN REVISION]always forever |jonathan byers  x reader B2Where stories live. Discover now