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"so, how was the party?"

i nearly choked on my apple juice when dad spoke. "party? what?"

"mobody stays out later than they said they would, if they weren't having fun."

"what, were you spying on me," i looked at mom.

"was he spying on me?"

she widens her eyes and shrugs, taking a bite of her, weirdly requested, scrambled eggs. nothing wrong with them, but i've always loved a good sunny-side up.

"not spying, sheesh. i'm not a weirdo parent." dad rolls his eyes. "i just heard you downstairs is all."

"well, if you must know," i huffed, "it was really fun actually."

"okay, okay. details kid." mom tried to wiggle her eyebrows which didn't look right and resulted in laughter from all of us.

i downed the rest of my apple juice, scooting my chair back and walking further into the kitchen. "ivhave to go. can't be late for a second time." i said, setting the plate and silverware in the sink.

"bye, honey. we love you."

"see ya later."

i grabbed my bag off of the couch, slinging it on my shoulder. "love you guys!"

i grabbed my house key and opened the door, swiftly turning around to lock it.

"shit!" there was jonathan leaning against the porch railing, a box of— who knows what resting between his arm and side.

"scare you?" he smiled, standing straight and offering his hand.

"well yeah, i expected you to be gone already. you seriously cannot do that!"

"or what?"

"or... i could end up hurting you."

"oh yeah?"

"yeah. i would hate to accidentally give you a black eye." i tried to stop myself from grinning, but eventually gave up when jonathan gave me a concerning look.

"a black eye! did you learn to fight or something?"

"yes! my dad actually taught me everything i need to know." i shook my head a little, smiling up at jonathan.

"remind me to never scare you, starting now." he said, walking us to his car. i laughed a little at his sudden change of attitude, knowing this new information.

me dad always said he'd make sure i knew how to do the most important things in life; protecting myself being at the top of the list.

jonathan opened my door guiding me inside the car, still with his hand that held mine. once i sat down he kissed the backside of my hand and closed the door. he walked around the front, getting in and starting the car.

"you always do something sweet for me. it makes me sick." i groan, putting on a fake annoyed act. in reality i couldn't get enough of it. i was being treated how i should and never having to second-guess our relationship.

"prepare to be more sick of me." he laughed. "can you set this back there?"

he handed me the box which felt light, but there was obviously something inside. i nodded, turning around and carefully placing it on a seat.

"is it a project or something? seems important if you don't mind me asking?"

"oh, of course not love. but i don't think i can tell you just yet." he started to drive off, already focusing on getting to school.



entering the last period of the day was a relief. it was so close to being the end of the day, closer to being in a soft comfy bed. i saw tommy sitting at his desk, right next to mine since we were the only ones that talked to each other in this class. partially because, his words not mine, "science doesn't make any damn sense" to him.

weirdly enough, he was already talking to someone right beside him. beside him in my seat.

"look who's made a new buddy." i say walking up to the both of them. the one who's claimed my seat being the new guy.

"oh, yeah. you meet billy yet? well here's your chance. he's the new keg king! he beat the record!"

billy just chewed on his toothpick, resting his elbow on the desk. he looked over my entire figure, probably making mental notes of what he doesn't like about me.

"well that's exciting. your fun little drinking game sure is serious."

was u being mean? no, no...no. just sarcastic.

"could you move? i normally sit there." i said looking at billy, putting my lips in a line. it was awkward the way he just looked at me. stared at me and said nothing. not even a facial expression.

i glanced at tommy who had his mouth open, waiting for billy to do something. he looked between the both of us and shrugged a little.

finally, billy stood up taking the toothpick out of his mouth. "normally, i would make you say please. but since we've just met i'll make an exception."

he spoke coldly, no emotion whatsoever. at least i couldn't tell. "wow." i said, shock on my face. the corner of his mouth perked up. tommy looked at me as i sat down and shook his head, almost like embarrassment.

"don't talk to me like that. for your sake." i said leaning back in my chair. billy and turned on his heel, leaving the class.

"that was intense."

"intense? more like embarrassing for him. imagine walking around and thinking you can talk to someone any type of way." i looked at tommy, "embarrassing!"

skip AGAIN

i waited by the field everyday after school to meet up with jonathan and walk to the parking lot. it was our routine that we never missed, because we always did it. it was normal for us.

he was always there at the same time. never late, never early, unless it was something important. if we had something planned that involved us leaving, we informed each other ahead of time. it was simple communication and understanding.

so why am i standing out here by myself? ...and his car is nowhere to be seen in the parking lot?

[IN REVISION]always forever |jonathan byers  x reader B2Where stories live. Discover now