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"Are you positive this is the right place?" Jonathan questioned as we pulled into the, i'm guessing, driveway.

This place was a fenced in area, covered with leaves. It looked more like a garage or shack, than anything like a house. There were vines growing up the brick walls, and junk like a fan and boxes piled close to it.

"3833." Nancy held up the small paper that had the address written, "Yeah."

We all glanced at one another. "All right."

"Welp," I hit my hands on my legs. "Let's go see."

We got out of the car, walking up to the metal door. A train blared in the background which is something I was used to hearing in Hawkins. "Keep Door Closed" was written in red, probably old now, spray paint on the door. There was a little voice box thing to the left that I've only ever seen in movies.

We stood at the door for a second, before Jonathan pressed the white button, which made a rather unusual noise. Wonder how old that thing is.

"Look at the camera." A man, probably Murray, spoke through the box.

There was no fucking camera in sight so I looked all around. "The camera."

"What camera?" Jonathan muttered.

"Not the loudspeaker." So that's what it's called! "Above you, to the right."

We all looked in that direction and what do ya know? A camera.

After much clanking, the door opened and revealed a man wearing a white tank, clear glasses, and some throw over which was many shades of brown. He also had a beard situation going on.

"Nancy Wheeler. Y/n Y/l. Jonathan Byers. You two are a long way from home."

"You know me? I know you, but, I wasn't expecting you to know me." I put my hands on my hips, tilting my head to the side.

He shrugged, ushering us inside. I went first, Nancy following then Jonathan. We waited to the side for Murray considering there a yellow gate blocking the way.

Murray finally came and opened it. "Well... I hope you didn't come all this way to tell me about the bear in the Harrington kid's backyard. I've heard that one already."

I glanced at Jonathan and kept my voice in a whisper, but then again not really caring. "There was a bear?"

Murray undid a latch and a door slid open. He let us walk in first which we all were a little hesitant to do. But after looking at the papers pinned on his board, I was intrigued.

"Take a look. Go ahead, don't be shy."

As I stepped closer I got a better look of everything. Will in the newspaper was pinned, connected to red string and several others.

"I followed up on 200 tips, most bogus, but that's how these things always go, okay?"

"I know every last step Barbara took that day, every last person she talked to. The answer to what happened to your friend, it's up here somewhere. I assure you that. I just gotta connect the right dots."

"So, you don't... actually know?" I questioned.

"Timeline's wrong." Nancy spoke.

"I'm sorry?"

"Your timeline is wrong. And the girl with the buzzed hair, she's not Russian. She's from Hawkins Lab. Her name was Eleven." she continued to inform.

Having not heard that name in a while made me think. Where did she go? And what happened to her? I hoped she was safe at least.

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