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It was completely dark other than the cars' headlights. As we pulled up to the Lab's gates, it obviously, oddly, had no power. The energy was eerie and unusual as we got out of the car, standing behind the doors.

"Why are the lights off?" Jonathan was quick to point out the obvious.

"Maybe it's closed?" Nancy suggested.

"I thought it was open all day, all night?"

"Security just took the night off? I don't think so." Jonathan slammed his door and walked into the little space where the security was supposed to be.

He pushed the red button numerous times, growing annoyed when it or the switch didn't help.

"It's not working?" Nancy asked.

"No! The power's off."

"Oh. Just great." I spoke, growing anxious.

Being out at dark wasn't something...I enjoyed. To say the least. At least not under these monster conditions.


"What?" Jonathan questioned, looking up at Nancy. Her face was stern, in a concerned way.

And when I heard it, too, it made sense. There in the woods to the right of us, was a rustling in the trees.

"I think there's something in the woods."

"Oh, no. No. No. No." I shook my head, but my feet still led me behind Nancy. "Why are we going towards the sound?"

"Nancy. Nancy." Jonathan said, skipping to catch up with her and put an arm in front to stop her.

I lightly scoffed underneath my breath.


"Oh, that's smart," I waved my arms up, "Shout hello and we could be murdered in seconds."

"Who's there?" Jonathan continued.

Flashlights could be seen coming through the thick woods and were eventually shown right into our faces. Couldn't even fucking see.

I squinted to get a better look in hopes of recognizing the person before they recognized me. Once the light was out of my face, I knew.

"Steve?" Jonathan and Nancy said in unison.

"Nancy?" Steve questioned.

"Jonathan." Dustin said in a knowing, but unrecognizable tone.

"Y/n!" Lucas smiled, walking over to me.

"Hey, Lucas!" I stepped forward a little to meet him halfway, embracing him in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy spoke to Steve in a tone like a Mom who discovered her child stayed out later than curfew.

"What are you doing here?" Steve genuinely asked.

"We're looking for Mike and Will." Nancy answered.

"They're not in there, are they?"

"We're not sure." I said, putting my arm around Lucas's shoulders and walking closer to our new group.


On que, the Lab erupted noise. Several of us gasped and jerked our heads that way. The spine chilling sound was something I'd never forget, and I hated that it was becoming familiar. The roars collected together made them sound even closer than they were. There were dozens in there. Hundreds, even.


I stood leaning against Jonathan's car, keeping focus on the ground. Beetles and other types of bugs had crawled around, and I just watched them. They had no inconveniences right now. Nothing to worry about except find their home for tonight.

Would it be crazy to say I wish I could be a bug right now?

Yes. But I wish it. I wouldn't be here right now, silently panicking. Everyone's bickering by the gate, making it clear when they did or didn't see Will and Mike didn't help either.

I could see Jonathan glance at me every few times, looking hesitant. I didn't want him to worry about talking to me, whether I was doing bad or not. Will and everyone else in that Lab that we know, is the main focus.

"The power's back." Nancy noticed, walking closer. Everyone got quiet and looked, confirming for themselves.

Jonathan immediately ran to the security stall, punching the red button. I expected it to open, but to my surprise it didn't. He kept pressing, repeatedly.

"Let me try." Dustin spoke, walking up to it.

"No. Hang on—"

"Let me try, Jonathan!" Dustin basically pushed him back, not taking no for an answer.

We were all on edge, sure...But that really wasn't necessary.

Dustin pressed the button much faster, numerous times, but got the same outcome. "Sun of a bitch! You know what..."

"Dustin!" I shouted, walking up to the stand. I wasn't angry, no. But definitely frustrated. "The button obviously isn't fucking working, so can you give it a rest!"

He looked between me and the button. "I get that you wanna get in there, but unless you can make this gate magically move, that's," I pointed to
the button, "No use!"

If it wasn't quiet before, it definitely was now.

When I turned to go back to my spot, I knew everyone was looking at me previously. Body language said it all. I felt bad bursting out like that. Pretty awkward, too.

After several agonizing seconds, the gate opened. I felt embarrassed now, knowing I made a fool of myself. Maybe the button pressing did work after all.

"Hey! I got it!" Dustin chuckles.

Now my guilt has set it.

"Alright let's go." Jonathan says, getting into the car. Nancy followed and went to the back seat.

"Oh, Nancy don't worry. You can sit up front. I'll stay here."

"Ar-are you sure?" She hesitated.

"Yeah, go ahead." I smiled. "I don't wanna be near that place."

True, but also a small lie. I couldn't be rude to someone and not immediately apologize. It would eat me up inside.

She nodded, getting into the passenger side. I stepped back, next to the security stall where Steve was standing. Jonathan gave me a "what are you doing?" look, slightly furrowing his eyebrows. I shook my head, dismissing it, telling him it's no big deal. He nodded and said I love you, before driving off.

I watched the car drive towards to the back of the Lab, until it disappeared. He'd be safe, of course. And smart about it.

Hearing snickering threw me off my thinking track, "Literally what is funny about this situation?" Steve spoke up, a terrified look on his face.

"Nothings funny! ...But that was gross." Dustin muttered. He probably thought I would yell at him if I heard or was still annoyed.

I walked up to him, a scared look on his face.

"...Shut up!" I laughed, grabbing his cap and pushing it towards his face, covering his eyes.

"Hey!" he laughed, swatting his hands all around trying to free his sight.

I let go of the cap once he got a grip, and smiled. "Sorry for being mean. I was just frustrated." I say, twisting my face to make it funny, but he knows I'm being serious.

"It's ok... But i'll never let you live down the fact I was right!"

"Oh, boy." I roll my eyes, knowing that's a promise. "But if I were to do that—"

"Guys?" Max interrupted, looking ahead.

Two vehicles—one being Jonathan's and the other Chief Hopper's—were heading towards us, honking frantically.

[IN REVISION]always forever |jonathan byers  x reader B2Where stories live. Discover now