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"is ittoo late to back out?"

jonathan and i walked hand in hand on the sidewalk, having parked a ways away from all the cars already overflowing. considering we could already hear the music, let's hope cops don't get called.

"yep. no cancelling."

jonathan's pov

"unless you're really uncomfortable," y/n said clinging onto my arm, "then i have no problem leaving."

i didn't have a problem being here, but i had a bad feeling that hasn't gone away since we left the wheeler's house. probably nothing, but i hate that it won't go away.

as we walked into— whoever's house this was. yes i forgot. the smell of smoke from both cigarettes and weed, along with alcohol was overpowering.

"look! everyone's over there!" y/n n pointed towards the kitchen area and attempted to get there. of course it failed, many people cutting her off and trying to keep up with their friends.

i could hear her huff even over the loud music, girls on film currently playing.

"Ii'll go get them, okay? then we can all go out front. you just stay here." she smiled at my nod of agreement and gave me a quick peck, disappearing through the crowd.

i looked around for a spot that was less crowded and off to the side. being around so many drunk people who can't stand straight was not where i wanted to be.

"nice costume."

"huh?" when i turn to the side i'm met with a girl wearing heavy face paint, making her costume obvious.

"nice costume." she says eyeing me up and down.

"oh, uh, yeah. i'm going as a guy who hates parties." i say giving her a light-hearted smile.

she chuckles, "i'm samantha."

"uh, jonathan."

she nods and continues sipping on her drink while i look around. my eyes go back to the kitchen, seeing y/n caught up with steve and nancy, who was obviously drunk.

"kiss?" i question samantha, trying to make light conversation knowing y/n was having fun. she gave me a look and raised her eyebrows.

"the band." i say hurriedly, realizing how weird that probably sounded.

samantha chuckled and shook her head. i put my lips in a line, looking back at the kitchen to save myself from talking anymore.

i furrowed my brows in confusion, seeing steve and nancy fighting over what looked to be a cup of punch. y/n was awfully close to nancy, saying something i couldn't read this far away, but guessed it was along the lines of telling her to "put down the cup" or "let go".

my eyes went wide and my mouth hung open as i saw the red liquid coat nancy's white shirt and splash y/n's face. several oo's and oh's were heard as everyone got quiet and stood around looking at each other.

"well, shit." i mumbled, walking to y/n as the couple—for now, went upstairs.

y/n was hunched over, rubbing her eyes repeatedly. "i need a fucking mirror." she spoke, leaning up and blinking her eyes rapidly.

"oh, hi babe." she smiled.

"hey... are you alright?" what a stupid thing to ask. what she didn't already wipe away of her mascara, was now smudged and running down her face.

"she doesn't look okay." some girl says snickering. y/n started to smile and quickly looked around.

"hey you. hand me that rag behind you."

the guy with long blond hair hesitated but turned around and grabbed the rag on the counter. he tossed it to y/n who ran it under the sink and told him "thanks".

"do we need to leave?" i said standing closer and taking the rag from her hands. the water was freezing so i tried to ring out most of it.

"j don't think so. just a little punch." she said as i started to wipe under her eyes. "nancy on the other hand..."

"yeah. that was pretty bad." i said, leaning my head to the side making sure i got everything. i wiped her cheeks then all the way to her neck, which gave her goosebumps. i laughed, "all good?"

"yeah." she smiled and looked down. "can you just take all of it off? no reason to keep it on."

inodded and she hooked her arms around my neck, closing her eyes. she smiled as i gently passed over the right, making sure not to miss a spot. after i was done there i moved onto the left, wiping off the makeup and punch residue above her eyebrow. i kissed her quickly making her aware i was done with my work and set down the rag.

"you look beautiful." i said resting my hands on her hips.

"you guys, i'm gonna barf if you don't stop it." a girl said slurring her words.

we snapped at the girl and gave her a worried look before processing the last part. "then you might wanna look awayyyy." y/n said inching her face closer to mine. "j might just kiss my boyfriend in front of you."

"oh, God. alright." she rolled her eyes and walked away.

y/n had a grin on her face and smiled up at me, still clinging to my neck. "what now?"

"uh, what time is it?" i lifted my hand to get a better view of my watch.


[IN REVISION]always forever |jonathan byers  x reader B2Where stories live. Discover now