253 11 18

splitting this chapter into 2 parts and you'll see why ;)

"Whoo-hoo! To taking down the man."

"To taking down the man." The three of us repeat, raising our glasses which have been refilled quite a few times...

It was still strong which made me grimace a bit, but I could handle it. Thankfully, I wouldn't be driving us back tonight so I enjoyed the free vodka.

And on second thought, I don't think any of us should be driving tonight.

"Commie bastards sure know how to make a spirit. Am I right?" Murray goes to grab the vodka and pour another drink for himself. He was slurring a bit which made me think he had more than enough, but I would never say that.

"Oh, no, no, no. We... we can't."

"Yeah, no. No, I've got to drive."

"Pshhhh. Well I can." I said smiling, pushing my glass forward.

Murray looked at me and at the glass, then filled it while looking between Jonathan and Nancy. "Drive? What, tonight?"

"Our parents..." Nancy started.

"Would be proud if they knew what you were up to." Murray switched around the subject. "Just tell 'em you're at Tammy's or Dawn's or whoever's and take my guest room."

We all three looked at each other. "I mean, do... do you guys want to stay?"

"Well, I checked with my mom before I left so I don't mind." I shrugged, taking the last shot of my drink.

"Well, it is pretty late." Nancy came around, which I didn't really expect.

"Okay. Uh... Could I use the sofa?"

That does make sense, Nancy and I getting the bedroom. Plus I didn't wanna wake up and my back hurt, but I also didn't want that for Jonathan.

"Okay, I'm confused. What's going on here? A lover's quarrel? Are y'all not...?"

I scrunched up my face, "...Not what?"

"Look, all I'm saying is the bed can fit three people."

"Woah, woah!" I said, letting my mouth hang open.

"No, no. I mean, we're all just friends— well no, Y/n's my girlfriend. B-but we're all mutual friends."

"Friends." Nancy chuckles, circling us with her finger.

Murray laughs, throwing his head back in a quite dramatic way. "You've told me a lot of shockers today, but that, that is a real curve ball."

"What? How?" Nancy awkwardly laughs.

"You're young, attractive. You've got chemistry, history, plus the real—"

"Alright," I say pushing myself up off the couch before this goes on any longer. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh come on! Can't figure out who you are, huh?"

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. There's no damn way.

"You're too much of a people pleaser, whether you like to admit or not. But also, there's some underlying home situation that happened and seems to have caused trauma."

I scoffed.
Not because it's bullshit, but he was spot on.

"Trust issues, am I right? Murray looked at Jonathan. "Something to do with your dad."

"What? No, I mean, my dad's—"

"An asshole." I say, walking back to the couch and crossing my arms. It was interesting how he could read us.

"Hmm. It is a curse to see so clearly. You, you're harder to read." Murray nodded towards Nancy who sat back a bit waiting for her reading. "Probably, like everyone, afraid of what would happen if you accepted yourself for who you really are and retreated back to the safety of... Name? Name?" Murray snapped.

"Steve." Jonathan and I said in unison.

Nancy whipped her head towards me and Jonathan. The look on her face said a mix of "what the hell, guys" and "why is he actually right".

"Oh. Steve. We like Steve." Murray said in a childish voice.

"Yes." Nancy chuckled, patting her hands on her leg. The tone in her voice was one where she didn't want to admit it but knew deep down.

"But we don't love Steve."

"What?" Nancy stammered. "No, we... I mean, I do."

"There it is, ladies and germs, the second lie of the evening." Murray kicked back in his recliner. "So, how'd I do?"

It was silent for a moment while we all at there a bit shocked but also probably taking in just how much we ignored the situations. I was biting at the inside of my cheek while thinking of my parents past actions.

"My goodness. You three are adorable, aren't you?"

I shook my head and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Listen... there's a pull-out sofa in my study if you want it." Murray said, disappearing up the stairs.

"I'll just, find the restroom on my own, I guess." I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag from the floor. I was so glad Jonathan packed it for me ahead of time from the spare stuff I had at his house.

[IN REVISION]always forever |jonathan byers  x reader B2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu