Chapter 17

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Third P.O.V.

Vendetta was standing next to Laena, Rhaenys and Corlys.

"Do you know why you are being held on trial?" Rhaenyra asks.

"I don't believe I do. But please, Princess enlighten me." Otto says before he felt a sword against his neck.

It was Vendetta's sword.

"She is a queen, you cunt. Say her title right or I'll kill you." Vendetta hissed.

"Vendetta." Rhaenyra told the young woman.

"Sorry." Vendetta said with a bow of her head.

"You are on trial for treason, abuse of your power as Hand, conspiracy against the crown, corruption, slander and war instigation." Maester Geradys listed.

Otto doesn't show any emotion.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Rhaenyra asks.

"Aegon is the true king." Otto hissed.

Rhaenyra nods at Vendetta who quickly snuck up behind the man before decapitating him.

Nico and Hazel walk forward before burning his ass. They both give each other high fives. Rhaenyra then goes through each council member.

Before she made her way to Criston Cole who struggled in the arms of Rhaenyra's Queensguards and several of the demigods. Vendetta had decapitated each of the Green council members.

"Let's just get to his crimes." Daemon told his wife.

"You can have him, King Daemon." Vendetta told Daemon who nodded at the girl with a thanked look.

"Murdering Joffrey Lonmouth at my wedding, murdering Lyman Beesbury, betraying me for petty reasons, and seducing me when I was younger." Rhaenyra said causing everyone to gasp.

"Who is Joffrey Lonmouth?" Vendetta whispered to Laena.

"Laenor's lover but was killed by Ser Crispin." Laena whispered back.

"Oh. And he was never tried for it!?" Vendetta asks.

"Nope." Laena answered.

"If he ever killed my brother's husband, I would have killed him right then and there." Vendetta mumbled.

"Nico's married?" Laena asks quickly.

"Yeah, to Will Solace." Vendetta answered.

"I am." Will said appearing on the other side of Laena.

"Who is he the son of?" Laena asks.

"Apollo." Will answered.

*Time skip*

"Your Grace?" Vendetta said once they were in the council room.

"Yes, Vendetta?" Rhaenyra asks.

"May I go back to Dragonstone to bring, Princess Helaena and her children back?" Vendetta asks.

"Yes." Rhaenyra said.

Vendetta quickly walks out of the room and grabbed Laena along the way.

"We are going to go get Helaena and her children." Vendetta told her friend who nods.

They quickly get to their dragons who instantly go in the air feeling their riders determination.

They soon arrive on Dragonstone and are greeted by Maris, Helaena and several handmaidens.

"We won. We secured Kings Landing. We executed almost all of the Greens except your mother and brothers." Laena gently told the woman.

"Okay." Helaena said.

"Should we get a ship ready?" A handmaiden asks.

"Yes, and we will have someone guide you back to the castle." Vendetta told her.

The handmaiden nods as Helaena soon comes back with her children and Rhaenyra's youngest children.

"I'll carry Rhaenyra's sons and Laena can carry your children." Vendetta said.

"Thank you." Helaena said as Dreamfyre walked over.

The three get on their dragons after the two girls strap the children to their saddles. They command their dragons to fly.

They soon make it to Kings Landing where they walk to the castle and are greeted by the royal family.

"Sister, I hope your ride was pleasant." Rhaenyra says with a smile.

"It was pleasant enough." Helaena said.

"Mommy." Aegon the Younger said happily.

Rhaenyra grabs both her sons and hug them tightly.

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