Chapter 14

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(this chapter will be about them deciphering Helaena's riddles.)

Third P.O.V.

Vendetta was with several of her cousins and Annabeth in the library trying to figure out what Helaena's visions were. Helaena was also with them, telling them what each vision was.

"It has eyes, though I don't believe it can see." Helaena starts the first riddle.

"Were you around someone or something?" Annabeth asks.

Annabeth Chase played by McKenna Grace(hate the character love the actress)

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Annabeth Chase played by McKenna Grace(hate the character love the actress)

"I was playing with a centipede and I was talking with my mother." Helaena answered.

"Did your mother ever think you were talking about the centipede?" Annabeth asks.

"Yes, but I was referring to her and my sister." Helaena answered.

"Did they ever have a feud?" Vendetta asks.

"Yes they did. But before my mother married the king they were the best of friends." Helaena answered.

Vendetta then started writing down hints of what it might be.

"What do you think it is, cousin?" Malcolm Pace, one of Annabeth's half brother asks.

"What do you think it is, cousin?" Malcolm Pace, one of Annabeth's half brother asks

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Malcolm Pace played by Percy Hynes White

"I think it might mean, Helaena’s assessment of those being unable to see likely involves multiple people who are solely driven by their aspirations and can’t see what’s really happening. Alicent is at the top of this list. She’s so blinded by her hate for Rhaenyra that she’s consumed by it. She poisons her children into believing that Rhaenyra will come for them without acknowledging that her former friend has tried to repair their old wounds." Vendetta answered and looked at Helaena for confirmation.

"So while Alicent was so blind by her hate for Rhaenyra. Queen Rhaenyra was trying to reconnect with her." Malcolm said.

The group all nod.

“Alright, what’s the next one?” Annabeth asks.

“He’ll have to close an eye.” Helaena answered. 

“And where were you?” Malcolm asks. 

“I was staring at the centipede while my mother was talking to Aemond. Aegon, Jace and Luke had played the “pig dragon” joke on him.” Helaena said. 

“Isn’t he the one we saw at Storm’s End?” Laena asks as she walks in. 

“Yeah, we did.” Vendetta answered. 

“It leads to Aemond’s desire to have a real dragon of his own, and when you technically died, Laena, he set his sights on Vhagar. He claimed her and when he returned to Driftmark Castle, Rhaenyra’s sons and Daemon’s girls beat him down. In the scuffle, Lucerys cuts out his eye. He gains a dragon, but at the cost is his eye.” Vendetta summed it up. 

“Great, that's two riddles down.” Laena says with a clap of her hands.

“The last ring has no legs at all.” Helaena says. 

“Auntie Antevorta told me that this vision hasn’t happened yet. So we should skip that and when the time comes, we decipher it.” Vendetta told them.

The group nods. 

“Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh, weaving dragons of thread.” Helaena said with a weird look on her face. 

“This was at my funeral wasn’t it?” Laena asks. 

“Yeah it was. I was messing with a spider-” Helaena starts but stops once she notices Annabeth, Malcolm and their siblings all shiver. 

“Are you guys okay?” Laena asks. 

“Yup, we just have a phobia of spiders.” Annabeth answered. 

“Back to what I was saying. I was messing with the thing they are afraid of. My brothers are a few feet away talking about Aegon marrying me. And that vision never really made sense.” Helaena says. 

“I believe “the Hand” you are speaking of refers to Otto Hightower, who eventually returned to the role of Hand after Lord Lyonel Strong died. Spool of greens is the Green Council that consists of Alicent, Otto, Jason Lannister and members who wanted Aegon as king. The Hightower family are the Greens and Rhaenyra Targaryen and everyone else are the Blacks. Both sides will use dragons to win this war.” Annabeth said. 

“That makes perfect sense.” Laena said as a whisper. 

“It is our fate, I think, to crave what is given to another. If one possesses a thing, the other will take it away.” Helaena says. “I was in my chambers with my children and a handmaiden.”

“It could be referring to the history between Rhaenyra and Alicent. Rhaenyra has been named heir to the Iron Throne, but Alicent claimed that King Viserys wanted their son Aegon on the throne. With haste, they had seated and crowned Aegon as the king and now Rhaenyra has to fight for her crown back.” Vendetta said. 

“There is a beast beneath the boards.” Helaena said, giving the group her last riddle. 

“Remember when they locked us in Rhaenys room?” Vendetta asks Laena who nodded quickly. 

“I think she’s referring to when the Green’s locked us in my mother’s room to keep us from escaping and alert Princess Rhaenyra about the rebellion. But thanks to Ser Erryk Cargyll, we were able to escape. Vendetta snuck me and we escaped through the shadows. But I’m pretty sure she made it to Aegon’s coronation in the Grand Sept that houses her dragon. She slips away and from beneath the feet, a rumble starts, then my mother and Meleys burst up from the floor. Meleys roar at the Greens assembled on the platform, then fly off to Dragonstone to tell the Blacks.” Laena summed. 

“This is amazing. Five riddles have been deciphered but only one hasn’t happened. So this is great.” Vendetta said happily. 

“I’ve been so happy to finally know what each of my visions meant.” Helaena said with a smile. 

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