"Wha-? W-Who- who's there?" Her voice was weak and shaky.

"Don't worry, I'm here to take care of you."

"Huh? C-Camilo? W-Why are you in my h-house?"

"You're sick, I'm taking care of you."

She pushed me away.

"I can t-take care of m-myself. I don't need your c-charity."

"C'mon, Y/n, you have a fever. Now stay still, I need to take your temperature." I leaned forward to feel her forehead.

She flailed her arms around madly, trying to smack me away.

"Don't t-touch me with your f-filthy hands!"

No matter what I did, she slapped me away, thrashing wildly and getting herself more tangled in the sweat-soaked blankets.

After considering all my options, I held her wrists as gently as I could, holding her still until she was mostly still. She kept her eyes tightly closed

"Listen to me. After what you said, I don't want to help you either. But I don't have anything better to do and, as much as I hate to admit it, I fucking care about you so just stay still and let me take your temperature."

Instead of doing the obvious thing and listening to me, she growled and thrashed as much as she could in my grip, before eventually tiring herself out and dropping limply on the bed.

I placed my hand on the side of her neck. Her skin was alarmingly hot. I jumped back. I fumbled around for the thermometer. I pulled her dry lips apart and placed the thermometer in her mouth.

The red substance inside shot up immediately, going from 70° to 95° in an instant.

I gasped quietly. Gloria mentioned what to do if she reached 105° but I thought she'd been exaggerating.

What could I do to cool her down? Gloria said not to use water or ice, and ice cream was for 105+! I guess I could refill her glass of water, for a drink when she wakes up.

That's what I did. I slid down the banister, just like I would do in my house, and headed to the kitchen, which I remembered from the dinner. I searched through the cupboards until I found the glasses and filled it with water from the sink.

I noticed a piece of paper on the kitchen side, alongside some herbs I'd never seen before.

'Camilo, I forgot to mention. These are some special herbs I grow in my garden. It'll help lower her fever, just tear up some leaves and put it in her food/water. I should warn you it can act like a truth serum, and she might get pretty loopy and clingy. Thanks again! -Gloria'

I did as the note said, ripping one of the leaves into tiny pieces and sprinkling it in the drink.

I heard a faint cry from her room.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

I ran back up, careful not to spill any water.

She laid tangled in the bedsheets, panting. Her eyes were squeezed shut. I could tell by the way her eyelids moved, she was dreaming. But not a good dream.

"G-Get away! P-Please!" She whimpered.

I put the glass down and approached her.

"Hey, hey! Shh, you're okay! It's not real!" I tried to comfort her.

She turned onto her back. For the first time, I noticed a small red mark, half hidden by the blankets.
Tentatively, I pulled them back.

A large red 'M' was burnt in between her shoulder blades. It looked fresh, but it couldn't be. Surely, Dolores would have heard if someone burnt her inside the Encanto? I gasped.

Mi Camaleon |🦎-Camilo Madrigal x Reader-🦎|Where stories live. Discover now