Annabeth didn't look so relaxed. She wore armor over her camp clothes, with her knife at her side and her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. As soon as Jason walked in, she fixed him with an expectant look, as if she were trying to extract information out of him by sheer willpower. Her gaze softened, however, as she met Kyra's eyes who had looked up from the table when Annabeth had re-entered the rec room. Kyra smiled weakly at her, her hair falling gently in front of her silver eyes as she raised her head. 

    Annabeth had given Kyra some clean clothes; she was now wearing slightly loose jeans and a camp half-blood shirt with a white long-sleeve shirt underneath that Jason assumed was to hide her scars from the unfamiliar group of demigods. She looked healthier already and Jason was relieved. She had looked so sick when they had rescued her and then even more so when she was lying unconscious in the infirmary. Jason felt protective of her as he was sure Leo and Piper had too. She had literally saved his life, almost killing herself to do so. He'd protect her with his life. 

    "Let's come to order," Chiron said. "Lou Ellen, please give Miranda her nose back. Travis, if you'd kindly extinguish the flaming Ping-Pong ball, and Butch, I think twenty pencils is really too many for any human nostril. Thank you. Now, as you can see, Jason, Piper, and Leo have returned successfully...more or less. Some of you have heard parts of their story, but I will let them fill you in. And for those of you who have not met her yet, this is Kyra. She was found by Leo, Jason, and Piper on their quest."

    Kyra seemed to cringe at the mention of her name as the demigods in the room turned to look at her. She looked to Jason, Piper, Leo, Annabeth, and even Will for guidance. Jason felt bad for her. She was clearly overwhelmed and Chiron had clearly not been doing a great job of making her feel comfortable so far. 

    The room regarded her warily, her nervous energy seeming to feed their own. Jason watched as Clarisse, the Ares head counselor regarded her with interest. "Who's your godly parent?" she questioned bluntly. It seemed to Jason that she knew that Kyra had to be representing a different Cabin than any of the ones she already knew, Jason gave her credit for thinking of that. 

    Kyra met Jason's eyes, causing him to give a small nod in response. She could tell them, and if anyone gave her shit for who her mom was he, Leo, and Piper would have her back: that was for sure. 

    Kyra turned back to the group, looking up at Chiron before quickly looking away. "Um- my- my mom is Artemis," she said softly, immediately looking down at the ground. This wasn't right, Jason thought. She shouldn't have to tell such a large group of people at once, especially when she wasn't comfortable being in such a big group in the first place. 

    The group seemed to begin to speak all at once, Jason couldn't keep track of who said what. 

    "Wait, did she just say Artemis?"
    "I thought Artemis couldn't have children." 
    "Why does she look so scared?" Jason clenched his jaw at that one, about to say something, but he didn't get the chance. 

    "That's enough," Will Solace spoke. "Stop asking her unnecessary questions, you're being rude. Athena is also a maiden goddess and I don't see you questioning Annabeth or her siblings about their heritage. So shut up and just be nice," he finished with a huff. It appeared Chiron had given Will the memo regarding keeping the truth of Kyra's existence a secret. Jason was glad that Will seemed to be standing up for Kyra. She needed all the support she could get. 

    The group was looking between Will and Kyra, who had drawn in on herself once more. Jason watched as she bit her lip anxiously and watched once more as Leo gave her hand a gentle squeeze, causing Jasont to smile ever so softly. He was glad that Leo was able to support her. 

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