EASTER SPECIAL! // CG!3/4 SBI L!Bench Trio

370 11 4

TW(s): None
Others: None
Little Tommy (5)
Little Tubbo (6)
Little Ranboo (6)
Nicknames: Sweetheart, baby, prince, honey(bee), flower, starlight

"Papa! Wake up!"

"Yea wake upp!"


Three voices shouted, waking up Phil.

Phil chuckled and lifted the three off the bed and to the side. "Good morning you three, happy easter. Go on and wake up Wilbur and Techno for me, okay?" Phil asked, and Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy immediately ran up to their rooms.

The three opened Techno's door and practically screamed in Techno's ear, waking the piglin up.

"What the fuck you three!" Techno shouted, only warning giggles from the littles. Techno sighed and smiled.

"Alright, let's go wake Will." Techno said, taking the boys over to Wilbur's room.

Techno and the three walked over to Wilbur's, slamming the door open and waking the man up with a hefty scream.

"WHAT THE HELL TECHNO?!" Wilbur yelled, throwing a pillow at him (which he caught.)

"Just get around" Techno said, taking the three kids downstairs for breakfast.

"Alright whaddya all want?" Techno asked. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy discussed and then Tubbo spoke up. "Pancakes! Chocolate chip!" He said cheerfully.

Techno chuckled. "Of course." He said sighing. He got out the proper materials and started on the pancakes, finishing them shortly.

Techno got out plates and gave each little one, placing the plates on the table. "Alright here ya go, eat up. Gotta be energized for the egg hunt." Techno smiled lightly.

The three of them nodded and immediately dug in, Tubbo and Ranboo finishing in a timely manner, while Tommy was still eating.

"Hurry upp!" Tubbo whined. "Am goin as fast as I cann!" Tommy whined back. Despite both of the littles wanting to go back up to Phil for the egg hunt, they waited for their friend.

Techno smiled and headed upstairs to get ready himself.

After Tommy finished his food, the three ran upstairs to his room, picking out their clothes they brought along, and Tommy the ones he had laid out last night.

Tommy's consisted of a blue striped shirt and some overalls, along with knee high socks and converses. Tubbo's was a shirt with a bee on it, and some black shorts and sneakers. And lastly, Ranboo's was a pastel green shirt with some jeans and sneakers.

The three ran back to Phil's room who was in his usual attire, but a little lighter in color. "Papa! Papa!" Tommy shouted. Phil turned around and smiled, welcoming the boy with a hug. "Yes sweetheart?" He asked.

"Can we do the fun things now!" Ranboo and Tubbo asked for him, earning a huff from Tommy, but a nod in agreement afterwards.

"Well let's go see if Techno and Wilbur are ready." The elder said, taking the three along to both their rooms. Techno was sitting on his bed in some long sleeved shirt and overall pants.

"Hey mate, we gotta go check on Will, then it's go time, I don't think these ones can last much longer." He joked. Techno nodded and got up, following the small group.

Lastly they checked Wilbur's room, who had just opened his door, dressed in his usual yellow sweater and black jeans.

"Alright we all ready?" Phil asked, with everyone agreeing and nodding.

"Okay then, let's go!" He said, leading everyone to the living room, where three baskets awaited on the couch.

The three littles immediately ran to the baskets, taking guesses on whose was whose, that is until Phil told them.

Ranboo had the green one, Tubbo had the yellow, and Tommy's being the blue.

"Woww! Dewe's so mush can'y!" Tommy admired.

"Yea! Thassa lot of candy!" Tubbo agreed, and Ranboo nodding along.

"Oo! Phil! Is time for da eastewr egg hunt yet?" Ranboo asked excitedly.

Phil nodded and lead the boys to the backyard, opening the door to show a field littered with easter eggs.

Techno and Wilbur handed the boys baskets to pick up some eggs in, and sent them on their way.

"Oos! I foun one! Is in dis twee!" Tommy yelled happily, picking up the egg and placing it in his basket.

"I found an eggie too! Is by this gawrden gnome!" Tubbo hollered, taking the egg and continuing his search.

"I found a gowlden one!" Ranboo exclaimed, practically screaming with excitement, hurriedly placing it in their basket and running over to another egg.

Eventually the three had found all the carefully placed and hidden eggs, and they all counted how many they found.

Tommy had found thirteen, Tubbo found twenty, and Ranboo found seventeen.

"You guys bof has more dan me! Is nuh faiwr! You guys goodewr at findin tings!" He whined.

"Is otay! I share wifs you!" Tubbo offered, placing a few of his eggs in Tommy's basket, who excitedly squealed and hugged his friend.

After that they put on some movies, and spent the rest of their easter happily, having a good day and snacking on the candy.

small a/n: this was supposed to be posted on easter but i didn't have motivation to finish it soooo late easter special,, big thanks to Official_Collector for the idea!! (thanks viviiii)

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