Babies cant fight //CG!SBI L!Tommy

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REQUESTED BY @KarenHancock6

TW(s): None
Others: None
Little Tommy (3 months)
Nicknames: Baby, disc, little prince, sunshine

'Mellohi' (Tommy) - Status: Vigilante , Power: ???

Tommy had found himself in an unfortunate predicament, running from  the Syndicate after doing some vigilante work.


Crow - Status: Hero , Power: Can shoot sharp feathers from his wings.

Siren - Status: Hero , Power: Invisibility.

Blood God - Status: Hero , Power: Enhanced strength/durability

So yea, he was pretty screwed.

Not to mention, Tommy didn't have any powers. This was quite a pickle.

Tommy darted through alleyways, taking the most discreet and seemingly unknown streets and back ways he knew of, but the Syndicate seemed determined to catch him.

Tommy had always wanted to do good deeds, but he had no one to get him into the training programs, not to mention how messed up they can be nowadays.

Even if he had gone into one, he would be way too young to even get an official hero license. After all, he was only sixteen.

But his town seemed to have a big number in crimes, and he was not going to sit idly by watching it all happen while close to no heros came to the civilians avail.

At least his town liked him. Or Mellohi at least.

But here he was, the one time a group of heros actually did come, he of course has to get caught.

Tommy continued running, seeing Siren teleport to a few places, sometimes close behind him, just barely missing him and Tommy picked up his pace. Blood God just kept running, with his enhanced endurance and all. Man was fast too. And of course Crow flying above him, trying to pin him to something without actually harming him with his feathers.

Tommy swerved behind an alleyway and found a dead end, hoping they didn't see him go by and took a second to slump against the wall and catch his breath. He could feel the stress crawling up on him. Why did this have to happen! He couldn't think of what would happen if he got caught.

He breathed heavily, curling in on himself feeling a pain in his stomach. That blow from the Blood God really fucked with him.

He felt a fuzzy feeling creep up on him, but he pushed it back. There was no time for it right now. He had to get away!

Tommy looked up only to see Crow, Siren, and Blood God standing before him, cornering him.

Tommy felt the fuzzy feeling take over and tried to shake it back.

"Well looks like you've run out of room to run Mellohi." Crow said, walking in front of Siren and Blood God.

Tommy huffed and back closer to the wall. Suddenly he couldn't push back the feeling anymore, and he started to tear up.

tommy agere/petre one shots!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now