Family // L!Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur CG!Philza and Mumza

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TW: none
Others: None
Littles: Tommy (1-3), Techno (3-4), and Wilbur (5-6)
Little nicknames: Buddy, sweetheart, little one, dear

Tommy had been trying ever so hard not to regress lately, he had been quite stressed for a lot of reasons. He was fucking around on TikTok when a message in the group chat of Phil Kristen Techno Wilbur and him. (Tommy had named it "The Minecraft-Soot-Blade-Innit Family")

Wilbur: Hey can everyone come downstairs? Me and Techno have smth to tell you all.

Phil: Sure! Be there in a sec!

Kristen: Of course!

Tommy thought for a minute and decided to risk it and go downstairs partially regressed. He tried to text normal but ended on a half normal-half weird text.

Tommy: Uh huh, am heading down rn

Tommy met everyone downstairs and waited to see what Wilbur and Techno had to say. Techno looked like he was trying to hide behind Wilbur almost.

"So um, me and Techno would like to say that we're age regressors-! If you don't know what it is we can explain it to you!" Wilbur said. Tommy looked almost in shock. Wilbur and Techno were regressors too?

Phil and Kristen took a second to process the information but then replied happily showing their support. "Oh! I've heard about that yea! I'm glad you both found a healthy way to cope!" Phil said, with Kristen agreeing.

Tommy wasn't sure if he should say that he's a regressor, he started to get so lost in his thoughts he didn't realized he hadn't said anything.

"Toms, sweetheart, you ok?" Kristen asked. The nicknames pushed him over the edge and he ended up slipping despite his best efforts. "Mhm.. I oti..." Tommy mumbled.

Wilbur took a minute to process what he said and then realized he was also a regressor. He knelt in front of Tommy and calmly asked him, "Hey Toms! Are you regressed right now buddy?"

Tommy softly nodded his head and dug his head in Wilbur's sweater. Wilbur chuckled and smiled.

That was about a month ago. Tommy didn't have anything but an old pacifier he had when he was a baby. But now he had gotten five adult pacifiers, three of them being pre-decorated, two of them being plain colors, three bottles and sippy cups, and two pacifier clips. He also had another plain pacifier that he was decorating himself, with guidance from Techno.

Today Tommy woke up regressed, around two at the moment, likely to slip younger though. He wobbly walked to Techno and Wilbur's room with a pacifier in his mouth in comfortable clothes.

He knocked on the door and Wilbur opened it, with Techno hiding behind him. (Although since he was taller than Wilbur you could see his face above Wilbur's hair)

It seemed as if they were regressed too. "Wiba n Tehi!" Tommy babbled happily. Wilbur smiled and let Tommy in their room. Techno had a red pacifier in and was holding a polar bear plush, while Wilbur was holding a whale plushie.

The three walked over to Kristen and Phil's room and woke them both up. Kristen was startled and then saw the boys and chuckled. "Good morning little ones!" Kristen smiled as she woke up Phil.

"Huh.. what's?" Phil said drowsily as he sat up. He saw the three regressed boys and smiled. "Good morning you three" He said before getting up and going downstairs to make coffee. "Whas da doin..?" Techno softly asked. "He's making coffee dear, it's ok" Kristen reassured.

Wilbur led Techno and Tommy downstairs to watch cartoons, while Kristen got changed into something other than her pajamas.

"Where 'e goin Wilba?" Techno asked, he had picked up Tommy knowing he probably would fall down the steps. "A! Eh e oin?" (Yea! Where we goin?)
"We goin to watch cartoons downstairs!!" Wilbur said happily.

The three got downstairs and saw Phil drinking coffee, he waved to the boys and smiled. They all waved back and then sat down on the couch. "Ima put on... uhhh.. Zoobilee Zoo!" He said and put it on. Techno and Tommy seemed to like the show since they seemed to watch it with no problems or questions.

Tommy babbled along to the theme song and Techno hummed, meanwhile Wilbur sang it. Tommy was sitting between his brothers and would frequently get pulled into hugs or the one's lap as an affectionate and cuddly gesture.

Kristen finally headed downstairs and started to help Phil make breakfast. She had grabbed a bottle for Tommy and made a banana smoothie so he could get something in his stomach.

For Techno, Wilbur, and themselves, they made pancakes. They would try and give Tommy some but knowing how little he was it'd probably be a little difficult.

They finished making food and called the boys over, Techno picked up Tommy and Wilbur paused the show and they headed over to the table, Techno placing Tommy in his seat and then sitting in his own.

Kristen and Phil brought out their plates, giving Tommy his bottle and a pancake. Tommy started eating the pancake with his hands, not having too much of an issue. The other two regressed boys used their utensils, Techno making a small mess because of not being the best with silverware at his age, and Wilbur just needing help cutting the pancake.

Soon enough everyone finished and they all watched Zoobilee Zoo together, Kristen held Tommy in her lap next to Techno and Wilbur, and Phil sat at the other end of the couch.

It was a nice day.

actuallyjustohmygod you said you wanted to be tagged so here! hi buba! :D

tommy agere/petre one shots!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now