Wandering // CG!Techno Little!Tommy

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TW: Impure regression,
Others: Briefly Ranboo and Tubbo, mentions of Shroud and Micheal
Tommy: Goes from 1-3 to 5-6
Nicknames for Tommy: Prince, Kiddo, Bud/Buddy, Bubs
Nicknames for Techno: Buba

It was cold. Very cold. Yet Tommy kept walking. How long had he been walking? Where was he? He didn't know. He was scared.

Tommy had a dissociative episode earlier, ending up with him in the middle of nowhere. He was trying to find his way back home.

It was a snowy biome and yet he was only wearing a t-shirt, ripped jeans, and his binder and (torn) shoes.

Tommy was scared and cold. He just wanted to be back home with Tubbo, Ranboo, Micheal and Shroud.. But here he was. The middle of nowhere. The ground covered in a blanket of snow and the only thing inhabiting the place being barren trees.

Tommy's mind starts to plague him with thoughts. What if he'll never get back home? What if he freezes here? What if- Tommy started to feel himself tear up. He felt fuzzy right now, but he tried to push it back. All Tommy felt like he could do was cry. And that's what he did, he cried and let the fuzzy feeling take over.

Some footsteps started to get closer and closer to Tommy. It was Techno! Techno had heard Tommy and went to find the source of the sound. He looked down at the boy, noticing the unsuitable clothes.

Techno had threatened to kill Tommy if he ever saw him near his base again. But it seemed something else was going on here, so he kneeled down in front of him and tried to speak to him.

"Tommy?" Techno spoke. Tommy looked up through sobs and tears and saw Techno. He continued to bawl and Techno picked him up, rubbing his back.

Techno assumed the boy was regressed at this point since he was crying like this. He carried Tommy back to his base, still rubbing his back and trying his best to comfort the boy.

Eventually they arrived at Techno's and Techno had placed Tommy on the couch. He didn't want to leave Tommy like this but he needed to get him a blanket and a drink. Tommy was usually dehydrated so this would just make it all worse.

"Kiddo I need to get you something warm and a drink, so I'll have to leave you for a bit. I'll be right back okay?" He told the poor boy, who tried to grab onto Techno's sleeve. "Noo! Stay!" Tommy sobbed out.

Techno shook him off and rushed to get a blanket, trying to make sure he wasn't alone for long. He grabbed a colorful pastel blanket and took it down to Tommy.

He wrapped the boy in the blanket who was crying more than he was from the start. "Shhh, it's ok little one, I'm here." Techno comforted as he held Tommy close. "I have to get you a drink, I'll be right over there ok?" Techno said and pointed to the kitchen.

Tommy didn't like the idea of being alone but nodded, he was thirsty. Techno got up and grabbed one of the bottles Tommy left there when he was staying with him. He filled it up with some milk, and put in a few spoons of sugar, with some vanilla extract in as well.

Techno mixed up the concoction and microwaved it for about 30 seconds. Tommy had taught him the recipe a while back. It was called "Angel Milk" He took the drink back to Tommy and sat next to the boy.

Tommy had calmed down quite a lot, although he was still sniffling and scared. He drank from the bottle and moved himself to be sitting in Techno's lap. He was quite clingy when he was little, especially when he was in babyspace.

tommy agere/petre one shots!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now