Questions // CG!Wilbur Little!Tommy

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TW(s): Panic attacks, exile, vomit/throw up
Little Tommy (3-4)
Nicknames for Tommy: Bubba, bud/buddy, sweetpea
Nicknames for Wilbur: Wilba/Wilby, bubie

Tommy and Wilbur had gone to Tommy's exile because Wilbur was curious about it. Tommy really didn't want to but gave in. They reached exile and Tommy felt sick, but carried on. He told Wilbur some stories of exile, happier ones.

Then Wilbur asked about the tower. Tommy felt like he couldn't breathe. Wilbur noticed Tommy's panic, and went to help him. "Tommy it's ok-! You don't have to tell me-! Just breathe, you're ok" He reassured.

Tommy's head started to hurt and he felt like he was going to throw up, only this time he did, most of it going on the ground but some staining his clothes. He started to sob, it felt so gross, and disgusting. He frantically tried to take off his hoodie which just caused him to throw up again.

Wilbur was a bit shocked at all that was happening but helped Tommy take off his hoodie and wrapped his jacket around him to prevent him from getting a cold. Wilbur at least had a sweater on under it.

Tommy tried to self soothe but it didn't work, Wilbur pulled him close and rubbed his back, keeping Tommy's head over his shoulder incase he threw up again. Tommy eventually calmed down, and Wilbur picked him up and placed him in the boat. It was quite difficult to carry him but he pushed through.

Tommy started to feel fuzzy but tried his best to push it back, but Wilbur checking in on him every so often just made him feel small. Eventually he couldn't hold it back anymore and slipped, and mumbled to himself.

"What did you say Toms?" Wilbur asked. Tommy felt really small at the nickname. "Wilby!" He exclaimed. Wilbur seemed confused. "Toms are you feeling ok? You haven't called me that since.. a while" Wilbur said.

He didn't get a response from Tommy and just assumed it'd be better if he played along, he didn't want him to panic again and if this was helping then he'll play along. Tommy had been stimming a bunch since he had regressed and it was rocking the boat.

"Toms you're rocking the boat bud- Chill a little" Wilbur said. "I sorrys Wilba" Tommy frowned. "There it is again.." Wilbur thought to himself. "Its ok bubba! You didnt mean to!" Wilbur said.

"Otays Wilby.. we almos home?" Tommy asked. "Almost buddy!" Wilbur replied. And like he said not too long after they arrived home. Wilbur took Tommy to his house and was about to leave before there was a tug on his sleeve. "Don go bubie!" Tommy whined.

Wilbur hesitantly stayed and decided to take this time to find out what was going on. He sat on Tommy's couch and pulled out his phone to look up why Tommy was acting like this.

Meanwhile Tommy changed out of the clothes he was in and grabbed a bunch of stuffed animals, and his pacifier. Tommy brought them out to Wilbur and dumped a bunch on his lap, keeping the rest to himself.

Wilbur looked down from his phone and chuckled at Tommy, thinking a bit of the pacifier. He then continued to find out what was happening. "Whas Wilby doin?" Tommy asked. "Looking something up." He said. Eventually he came across something about "Age Regression"

He looked into it and found out that age regression was (usually) an involuntary way to cope with trauma, stress, anxiety, and other stuff by mentally reverting back to the headspace of a child.

"Hey Toms?" Wilbur asked, putting his phone down.  "Mhm?" Tommy asked. "Are you regressed right now bubba?" He asked the boy. Tommy nodded and replied with. "I four!! Or three..? I dunnos! Four or three!" He said.

"Ok sweetpea! What do you wanna do while I'm here?" He asked. "Uhh... I wanna play with toys an watch cawtoons!" Tommy replied. "Alright buddy!"

Wilbur picked up a plushie and started to play pretend with Tommy, so far the plot line was that Wilbur was a misunderstood villain and Tommy was the understanding hero who was trying to help and stop the villain.

It was pretty fun, in all honesty. Wilbur never thought he'd admit playing with toys was fun. After they finished playing Wilbur made some food for Tommy, it was some plain kraft mac n cheese with a hotdog. He cut it into small bits and went to get a cup, but got yelled at by Tommy.

"Nooo!! Sippy cup! I no wanna spill!" Tommy yelled. "Geez ok-! Where is it?" Wilbur asked. "In muh room in da pretty box!" Tommy said. Wilbur headed to Tommy's room and looked for a probably pastel looking box. Eventually he found one he guessed would be the one, and he was right.

He grabbed the sippy cup from it and put it back. Wilbur poured some juice into the sippy cup and handed it to Tommy. Tommy happily ate his food with his hands and drank from his sippy cup.

Once Tommy finished Wilbur put a cartoon on from his phone given Tommy didn't have a TV at his house. Tommy snuggled up to Wilbur on the couch watching the show and Wilbur smiled, and watched the show as well.

He still has to ask about the tower later on. Especially with the reaction Tommy had.

tommy agere/petre one shots!! :DKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat