Memories // CG!Dream Little!Tommy

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TW: Death/Killing mentions, brief axe mention, brief scared little
Others: Briefly mentioned
Tommy: 4
Nicknames for Tommy:  Darling, buddy, angel, baby/baby boy, little one, bug
Nicknames for Dream: None

It was midday, Tommy was at his house, regressed. He wanted to have someone with him but everyone who knew about his regression was away. Unless.. Dream was available..? Nono, Dream hadn't been taking care of Tommy when he was little since exile.

Tommy woke up in a sweat, he walks outside his tent dizzily. He hadn't ate in days. He saw Dream sitting outside, who was apparently waiting for him. Dream knew about Tommy's regression, due to him walking in on him regressing once.

After that he would take care of Tommy while he was regressed. But for now Tommy wasn't regressed, he hadn't been doing very well however. And Dream apparently decided this was not good.

"Good morning Toms" Dream said, in a sing-song voice. "Morning Dream" Tommy replied. Looking at Dream funny. "How are you doing darling?" Dream asked, using one of the nicknames he calls Tommy when he's regressed.

"Dream I'm not- You can't just-" Tommy said frustrated. "Hey hey it's ok," Dream said, pulling Tommy into a hug. He was quite tall, about 6'7, with Tommy being about 5'8, making Dream significantly taller than Tommy. "It's ok buddy, calm down." He said softly, using a caregiver voice.

Tommy frowned and pushed him away. "Dream stop-" He said. He didn't want to regress. He didn't want to be vulnerable. He- Tommy's stomach hurt. Then again he hadn't ate in forever. He was also quite sick, he'd been sick for a while now. Tommy didn't really feel the best. He basically refused to eat anything or do anything to take care of himself unless he was regressed. Which he hadn't for a while. Had always been holding it back.

"Are you ok little one?" Dream cooed, trying to get Tommy to slip. Tommy looked up at the nickname, but quickly shook his head. "Noo! I not- I'm not" Tommy said, trying not to slur his words. Dream had a bag filled of.. something? Tommy stared at the bag, wondering what it contained.

Dream noticed the staring and asked, "You wanna see?" "Mhm..!" Tommy exclaimed, curious of its remnants. Dream smiled and pulled the stuff out of the bag. It consisted of a pastel blue adult pacifier, some letter beads, and some rhinestones. All of the necessary items to make a decorated paci.

Tommy had never had any gear up until now. He really wanted to use it and decorate it. But he kept telling himself no. "Do you wanna decorate the paci angel?" Dream cooed, trying to get the boy to slip.

That nickname pushed him over the edge and he finally slipped. "Yeh..! I wanna decoate it!" He said happily. "Awe, hi baby boy!" Dream cooed. Looking down at the regressed blonde. "Dweam!" Tommy exclaimed, making grabby hands at Dream. Tommy wanted Dream to pick him up, which he happily complied. "Aw hello sweetheart!" Dream said, cooing at the boy.

"I wan da paci.." Tommy said softly. Looking down at it. Dream smiled and handed him the pacifier. Tommy had been sucking his thumb when he was regressed a lot, but it wasn't good so Dream would always make him stop. Tommy put the pacifier in his mouth and smiled happily.

"Such a small boy eh?" Dream said, sitting down and pulling Tommy into his lap. Tommy giggled and nodded. "Say wanna decorate that paci of yours bug?"Which earned a nod from the small boy. Tommy took it out and grabbed the stuff to decorate it and started to put rhinestones on. After that he put letter beads on it that read "little one". Tommy showed Dream his creation, which Dream smiled.

Tommy smiled at the memory. It was his favorite item of his when he was regressed. That and his cow stuffie he named "Henry". He decided upon calling Dream. He didn't like being alone when he was little. Dream was online so he whispered to him.


"Huh?" Dream was confused on why Tommy had misspelled it. He and Tommy hadn't enjoyed each others company so he was also confused on why he whispered to him too.

"Why are you whispering to me."

"Cause I wanna ask sumfin" Tommy was scared to ask, but hoped he wouldn't be mad.

"Yeah yeah make it quick." Dream sent, trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Can you come over to my house?" Tommy sent nervously.

"Sure, I'll be there in a few" Dream sent, grabbing some items like healing potions, and an axe, thinking this was just going to be another attempt to kill him.

Tommy waited patiently for Dream to arrive. Eventually there was a knock on the door, and Dream entered Tommy's house. He walked into the house to find Tommy on the couch, paci in mouth, stuffies everywhere. "So THAT's what this is all about huh?" Dream thought to himself. Tommy looked over at Dream, seeing the axe, and curled up into a ball, scared of what Dream was going to do.

Dream noticed he still was holding the axe and put it away. "Oh baby I'm sorry, it's ok!" Dream said, walking over to Tommy. Tommy looked up at Dream and spoke. "Scary axe!" Tommy said, covered in a blanket. "I'm sorry little one, but it's ok, the scary axe is gone now!" Dream cooed, trying to ease the boy.

Tommy looked up at Dream, who was no longer holding the axe. "Hi Dweam.." He said quietly. "Awee, hi darling!" He kneeled down to Tommy's height, and took off his mask. Tommy smiled and grabbed Dream's face giggling. Dream smiled and cooed at the small boy.

"Thank you for the warm welcome angel" He chuckled, grabbing Tommy's hands, which made Tommy giggle. "Say buddy, how old do you think you are right now?" He asked softly, sitting on the stuffie covered couch.

Tommy raised 4 fingers and sat closer to Dream, who pulled Tommy into his lap. "Cudda?" Tommy asked, looking up at Dream. "Of course sweetheart! Cmere!" Dream said, hugging Tommy. He put some shows on on his phone, specifically Adventure Time. Tommy started to get fussy and started to whine.

Dream paused the show, "Is everything ok Toms?" "Itchy clothes!" Tommy whined, looking up at Dream, who cooed and got up. "Where is your room, I'll grab you some more comfortable clothes!" Dream asked, which Tommy pointed to the direction on of his room.

Dream grabbed some cute-looking, soft clothes. He went back to the living room and set down the clothes. Tommy got changed and smiled happily. Dream resumed the show and pulled Tommy into his lap again and smiled. It was around 4 PM, just about nap time for a little. Tommy yawned, which got the response of "Is the baby boy tired? Hm?"

Tommy shook his head, but let out another yawn. "It's naptime bug, you should go to sleep" Dream said, trying to ease in the thought of sleeping. "Nuuuh! Nuh tired.. m promise" Tommy said, not wanting to take a nap, but yawning again. Dream smiled and watched as Tommy's blinks became longer. "Sure, sure."

"How about you take a nap, and I'll be here when you wake up?" Dream asked, trying to compromise. Tommy thought for a minute, and then nodded. He closed his eyes, cuddling up to Dream, listening to the show. Dream smiled and said "Goodnight baby, sweet dreams" which earned a smile from the boy. Tommy drifted to sleep in Dream's arms, soft snores escaping his mouth.

tommy agere/petre one shots!! :DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang