Ouchies // CG!Tubbo Big!Ranboo Little!Tommy

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TW: Dysphoria/binding for too long
Others: Ranboo
Tommy: 4-5
Nicknames for Tommy: Angel, bubba, baby boy
Nicknames for Tubbo: Tubby
Nicknames for Ranboo: Boo

quick A/N: this is trans masc tommy+tubbo au bc yes 🤩

Tommy had been having a rather hard week so far. His dysphoria had been going crazy this week. He had work his binder consecutive nights without taking it off. It hurt a lot. He had a few calls with Tubbo and Ranboo some nights, along with some visits.

Although right now Tubbo and Ranboo were on call with him. "Tommy you seriously need to take off your binder- It's really not good for you!" Tubbo said. "Well how would you know you use trans tape?" Tommy said. "Yes I do but I've used binders too, plus your bones are way less dense than mine so it's dangerous!" Tubbo informed.

"But I can't help it- it feels and looks so- just- you know!" Tommy complained. "Toms I know it's hurting right now, just take it off for a little!" Ranboo tried to reason. Tommy frowned. It did hurt, a lot in fact. It felt like his ribs were being crushed, and he could barely breathe.

But he simply couldn't deal with his chest right now. That hurt a lot worse. "Tommy..." Tubbo pouted. "Okok!!" Tommy whined. He turned his camera off and took off his shirt and binder, placing his shirt back on and turning his camera back on. He hated how his chest looked and started to only focus on that one feature, tuning everything else out.

"Doesn't that feel better?" Ranboo asked, but Tommy didn't respond. "Tommy?" The two asked. Tommy was so focused on how his chest looked and he felt as if he were going to cry and throw up at the same time. He felt really fuzzy and suddenly couldn't hold back his tears.

Tubbo noticed he started to cry and had pulled his knuckle up to his mouth, biting on it. He turned off his and Ranboo's camera and microphone. "Ranboo cmon we're going to Tommy's" Tubbo said. "Oh woah- ok" Ranboo said.

The two started heading over to Tommy's and opened the door with a key Tommy and gave Tubbo. They walked into Tommy's room and found the boy crying into his hoodie. "Bubba.. it's ok" Tubbo cooed, pulling Tommy into a hug.

Tommy cried into Tubbo's shirt while Tubbo rubbed his back and Ranboo stood worriedly. Tommy sniffled and looked up at Tubbo. "Tubby am I a 'eal boy?" He asked through sniffles. "Oh of course angel, you're the cutest baby boy I've ever seen!" Tubbo cooed.

Ranboo looked somewhat confused and Tubbo started to explain and Tommy played with Tubbo's hair. "Hey bubba do you wanna get your paci?" Tubbo asked, he wasn't the fondest of people touching his hair.

Tommy nodded and grabbed it, placing it in his mouth. He also grabbed a raccoon stuffie he had names Rascal. Tubbo continued to explain to Ranboo's rn eventually Ranboo understood what was happening.

"Boo wanna play?" Tommy asked Ranboo. "Oh- uh- sure!" Ranboo replied, and grabbed a visible stuffie. Tubbo just held Tommy on his lap and watched the two play.

"Hey bubba I'm gonna get you a drink okay? Do you want me to get you some juice?" Tubbo asked, moving Tommy off his lap. "Yes peas Tubby!" Tommy said.

Tubbo got himself a soda and poured some juice in Tommy's sippy cup. He looked over at Tommy and Ranboo playing with stuffies and smiled to himself. Sometime he should get Tommy trans tape, at least then he can wear it consecutively.

small A/N: next chapter will be wilbur n tommy! :D

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