Crybaby // CG!Dream Little!Tommy

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TW(s): Crying/impure regression, claustrophobia
Others: Sam
Little Tommy (9 months-1 year)
Nicknames for Tommy: Darling, baby (boy), bug
Nicknames for Dream: Papa

Tommy had been stuck in the prison cell with Dream for a few days now, he had barely ate, slept or talked. Although his voice hurt from screaming for hours to get out, and his hands hurt from hitting at the wall. A lot hurt. His stomach, his head, hands and throat. It was bad enough being in a small space, it was worse being in a small space with Dream.

He just wanted out. He hated Dream. Hated what he had done. And now he was stuck with him. In this small, cramped, barely breathable, headache inducing cell. Tommy was quite claustrophobic in all honestly, Dream had found that out in exile.

Dream tried to talk to Tommy but Tommy wouldn't talk. So he gave up. For a while Tommy didn't eat anything and he had to force the boy to eat. It wouldn't be very fun having him die of starvation in here, now would it?

Sam had been trying to fix whatever had been going on but frequently checked the cameras, he knew that Tommy hadn't ate in a while and had likely not slept in a while either. Soon enough he'd probably regress.

Tommy just wanted to get out, he didn't want to be here, he wanted to be home, he wanted to see Tubbo, and Ranboo, and everyone, maybe even apologize for being such a brat. An asshole. An annoying kid. Tommy was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't realize he had started to cry. This wasn't very good given he was extremely dehydrated.

Dream heard Tommy cry and tried not to laugh right away, might as well have some fun with this. "Awww are you crying Tommy? Really? Cmon you're such a baby." He sneered. Tommy heard him and started to cry more, but hid his face in his knees. "M-m so-sowwy.." He choked out through tears.

"What the fuck..?" Dream thought, he noticed how Tommy's words were slurred. Then suddenly he remembered age regression. Tommy must be a little. Now this, this, was interesting.

Sam was checking over the cameras and saw Tommy crying, and slurring his words, he wasn't able to go and get Tommy right now so he hoped that Dream would take care of him. He didn't think Dream knew what age regression was but wasn't entirely sure.

Tommy continued to cry and babble, he didn't notice Dream had got up and was right behind him. Dream pulled Tommy into his lap and started rubbing his back gently. Tommy went to suck on his thumb but was stopped. "Nono darling, that's bad for your teeth." He scolded.

Sam had his eyes glued on the camera, knowing Tommy was regressed. It really wasn't good for him to regress here of all places, but so far it had been ok, at least Dream seems to know what's going on. He looked around for some of the gear Tommy had brought with him when he had visited to try and send down the chute.

Tommy frowned, but Dream just rocked the boy and rubbed his back. Tommy tried to speak but could only muster up a few sounds and babbles. "Aww is the baby too little to speak?" He cooed, Tommy nodded softly and tried to suck on his thumb again.

Dream sighed and let him knowing it'd probably soothe him, and he probably wouldn't stop trying anyways. Tommy tried to muster up some sort of word and Dream chuckled at his efforts, but eventually Tommy finally got it. "Papa" He said softly.

Dream looked almost in shock but smiled, "Yes sweetheart?" He replied. Tommy signed the word "Eat" to try and tell Dream he's hungry. Dream picked up on it but knew he didn't have anything that he could feed him there with him being so little.

Sam finally found the little gear Tommy had brought and looked back at the cameras quick to check up on him, he saw him sign to Dream, luckily enough he knew a few basic things in sign and understood what he was trying to say.

Sam grabbed the bottle he found and filled it up with milk and sent that, a pacifier, and comfortable clothes down the chute. Dream heard the sound of the chute and picked up Tommy to go get whatever was there, he noticed it was all little gear and mentally thanked Sam.

Dream sat back down, still holding Tommy, and started to feed the boy the bottle. Tommy happily took the bottle and started to drink from it. It didn't take him too long to finish the bottle.

"Do you wanna change out of the icky big boy clothes bug?" Dream asked, Tommy nodded softly and Dream started to change the boy, knowing he probably couldn't do it himself. Tommy seemed fine with it so it didn't take long.

Soon enough Tommy was dressed in some comfy shorts, socks, and a comfy t-shirt and sweater. Dream cooed at how cute the boy looked and Tommy giggled happily, Dream handed the boy the pacifier and he stuck it in his mouth and started to suck on it.

Sam watched from the cameras and smiled happily, he was glad Dream was taking care of Tommy and didn't try and hurt of make fun of him. Sam had to go back to working but knew whatever happened next would be ok.

Dream held the boy in his lap and started rocking with him, and humming a few songs, trying to get him to sleep. Tommy started to feel tired and tried not to fall asleep, but couldn't fight it, especially since he was regressed. He fell asleep and Dream continued to sing to him.

tommy agere/petre one shots!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now