Chapter 22

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I looked in my mirror. I was wearing I black dress with a flowy skirt. Black pair of heals and my black bag in May hand.
Today we were going to hold a memorial service for Soda. We had flowers and carved the name Sodapop Curtis into a stone. It was a gloomy and dark day.  I just sat next to the street staring at stone. All of the gang stood around the stone, some crying. Rain started to pour down on us.  Cars were passing by constantly. One car stopped next to us. It was the black car again!
I didn't pay attention to it. Everytime I have seen that car it ment bad luck. But everything had already gone wrong. Nothing could get worse. The car door opens then shuts.
" So I wasn't invited to my own funeral huh?" I man said.
We all turned around and there was he was. Soda. He looked different really different. He was slightly taller and was super buff. Everyone ran over and gave him a hug. But his eyes never left me. I sat still squatting crying in my hands. My prayers had been answered. After everyone finished hugging him I jumped up and ran into his arms. Crying harder that I have ever before. He was crying to. He ran his hands through my wet hair. He whispered in my ear." I promised I would come back didn't I." With the rain still pouring down he kissed me softly.

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