part 11 " just tell me he's okay!"

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I walked through the streets trying to find Pony and Johnny(assuming he was with Pony).
I walked past the park and saw a group of people

Along with a mustang. I knew they were in trouble. I flipped my switch and quickly walked over trying to stay low.
I saw them dunking Pony in the fountain. I ran over and slashed one of them in the cheek and grabbed another by the hair and whipped his head back. I saw Johnny on the floor trying to get up as I looked back at Pony he wasn't fighting them anymore. I tried to rip Pony from their grasp. As I turned to face Johnny and a socs punched me so hard in the nose it started gushing blood. Everything was starting to go black but I was still able to see. Everyone started to run away as I picked Pony up out of the water and laid him in the ground. I was super dizzy but I was able to crawl over to Pony and tried to wake him up.

As he finally took a breath and started to cough out water I laid next to him and was finally relieved.

" Val what are you doing here!" Pony yelled.

" Saving your ass," I said getting up.
Johnny was sitting in the ground with blood over his switchblade.
" I-I killed em, " he said crying. " I killed him."

" Go home Valerie," Pony said assertively.
" No, you go home, your brothers are worried!"
"No they're not." He said.
" Pony," I said with a sigh.
" We'll go to Dally's first, he'll know what to do." Johnny spoke up.

" Ugh fine, just ugh I don't know, just be careful how about that," I said shaking my head.

" Don't tell Darry or Soda, especially Darry, he'll be pissed," Pony said helping Johnny up.

" Fine, now go, and tell me when you get back." I said walking towards the house.

I open the door and see nobody. As I walk up the stairs Darry grabs my arm and turns me around.

"What happened to your face!?" He yelled angerly. I could tell he was still mad and Pony and me running after him. Soda came down when he heard all the ruckus. My face was still dripping and stained with blood.

" I fell," I said.
" You what"
" I tripped and fell okay!" Now I was starting to get angry. I ripped from his grasp passing Soda as I ran up the stairs into the bathroom.

Soda walked in to the bathroom while I was inspecting my nose.

" Need help," he asked softly.
" No thanks," i said ruder that I meant it to be.
He reached under the counter and pulled out a wash cloth. He ran cool water on it and picked me up and places me on the counter.

Before he looked at my nose he turned and locked the door. He turned towards me and said," you didn't trip did you." He said smirking. He started wiping the blood of my nose. " What really happened."

" I already told you," I said cooly.
" Don't lie to me Valerie," he said. I grabbed his shoulders and hopped down from the counter in front of him. Unlocked the door and walked out. That was the first time in a while he had used my full name. It was always Val, or some goofy nickname from when we were little.

I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I pulled out my sketch book and turned on the radio. Elvis Presley was on again. But I didn't care he was my favorite person like ever. He was at the peak of his career so he was on almost 24/7. I continued to sketch Soda's facial features.

I heard a nock at my door.

" Come it, " I said slightly annoyed but it was good to have company right now. I turned down the music and closed my sketch book.

It was Soda.

" Oh hey Soda."
" Hey" he said sitting in my bed. " I know you didn't fall. Nobody gets that banged up that bad when you trip. You also have a slash on your forehead. I know the socs got you. "
" Oh so your a detective now," I said giggling.
" Hey I just want to make sure Pony's okay, you don't have to tell me what happened or where he is, just tell me he's okay!"

" Yeah he's fine," I said smiling. I could tell he relaxed a little.

" I'm going to get to bed, goodnight Val," he said.

" Night,"

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