Chapter 16 " Sunshine"

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I looked over out the window to see who knocked on the window. It was Bob.

I rolled down my window a crack so I could hear him.
C'mon Soda, where are you?

" Hey sunshine, how about you step out of your car?" He said with a fake grin.
I shook my head no.
" Don't be scared, step out so we can talk about your car. I know a great guy who can fix it right up for ya." He said.

All the sudden he turns around and gets punched square in the nose.
Soda came over and helped me out of the car and locked me  in his truck.
" Soda let me out!" I said banging on the window. " Stay there." He said running towards the soc.
Dally and Steve ran over and started fighting three other socs that came. Soda and Steve got pinned down by the socs while Dally keeped punching the guy. The socs pulls a switch out and cuts Dallys cheek and hits him in the temple with the handle. Dally fell back holding his head. At this point I am freaking out. I climbed to the back seat and tried opening to doors. One of them opened. I hopped out of the truck and grabbed a bag from under the seat. I sprinted over to Steve and soda and clocked the soc in the head and kicked him over. Soda got up and punched the other soc that was on top of Steve. The socs got up and ran away. I threw the bat down and walked over to the my car. I squatted down to closely inspect the scratches that ran throughout the blue car.

" Since when are you such a badass," Dally said getting up.
I didn't respond. I wasn't buff but I was pretty strong. I played basketball and volleyball. I also loved swimming. I was really good at sports. I am really athletic.

" I told you to stay in the car," Soda said.
" Well you asses were getting beat." I said slightly raising my eyebrows crossing my arms.

He rolled his eyes and got into the truck.
I followed him into the car. We drove back to the house without saying a word. When I finished changing, Soda was telling Darry what had happened.

" I don't know how we are going to afford this," Soda said to Darry.

" Don't worry about it," I said. I grabbed my food and went up into my room.

Pony came up into my room and sat on my bed next to me.

" What is it," I said still a little mad at Soda but I knew he was just trying to protect his new girlfriend.
" Soda told me what happened," he said.
" Huh," I said turning the page in the book I was reading.
" What are you reading?"
" To kill a mockingbird," I said.
" Oh, I didn't know you have that book." He said excited.
" I don't." I said. " I stole it from your room."
" Really, I've been looking for that!" He said laughing. He got up and left.
A little while later Soda comes into my room. He lifts up the covers and climes in. He raps his hands around my torso.
" I'm sorry I got mad at you" he said touching his nose to my side.
" I'm sorry too. I know your just trying to protect me." I said raping my hands around him as well. We both eventually fell asleep like this.

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