Chapter 19 In the mountains

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Soda's Pov

I walk into the building that many others are also in.We will start our short amount of training here. Steve and I recognize some socs but that's really it.

One week later

" Mr Curtis, this is for you," our Sargent handed me a letter.

To: Sodapop Curtis read on the front.
I opened the letter and read,

Dear Soda,
Please fight for me. For us. I love you so much and I can't see you go. Write me as much as you can. Keep us updated about you and Steve. We all miss you guys very much.

Valerie Curtis

I immediately found a paper and pencil and wrote her back.


3 weeks later

Steve and I were separated. I was stationed in the mountains. I'm not sure where Steve is or if he is even alive. I sure hope he is. I've been writing Val every time I get her letter. I'm not sure if she gets them though. I think she does because sometimes she talks about what I wrote in the last letter. I miss her.
Then, bam, something had hit us.

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