Part 2 Memories

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My eyes started to water as all the memories passed as I drived through the small town. The Nightly Double, pack as always, was filled to the brim with cars still packing in. I watched closely as the people I remember from highschool were coming through. I would be a senior now but I graduated two years back before I left for California. I didn't see myself as super smart. I just hated school so much I spent everyday working on as much work as I could possibly do.
I finally snapped out of my thoughts and continued to drive past all the houses and stores that have still never changed in the past two years.

I parked on the side of the street where I used to always park Darry's big truck. I could hear the yelling and shouting from the house. I walked up to the porch and took a deep breath.
I opened the door to the house and slowly walked in looking at the same room I walked out of two years ago. Empty. Darry walked around the corner of the kitchen and just stared at me.

" Valerie?" He asked with tears already there. I ran into his arms and cried.
"Darrel I-I'm so sorry I never should have left. I missed you guys so much. I'm so sorry" I said out almost incomprehensible due to all the crying.
I could hear foot steps come down the stairs. And there everyone was. Ponyboy. Two-bit. Steve. Johnny. Dallas. Darrel. All right there.
"Hi guys" I said wiping off my last tear smiling.
"Oh my gosh, Valerie you came back for us!" Two-bit screamed picking me up and spinning me around. "Ahh! Okay, okay put me down!" I said laughing. Everyone came around me and all said hello and gave me a hug. But someone was missing.
As if almost on que, Sodapop walked through the door. I was almost speechless as he set his shoes down next to the door holding today's paper in his hand. His DX shirt was half unbuttoned and his hair was slightly greased back. He was never to fond of putting a tub of grease in his hair everyday like other greasers.

He looked up and saw me. After sitting in an awkward few seconds of silence, Ponyboy broke the quietness by saying, " Soda, look who is here!" Everyone started to laugh at Pony. Soda ran and gave me a huge hug with smiles plastered over his face and mine.

It felt great to be back home.

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