Part 3 Sodapop

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We were all sitting around in the living room talking about the past months I missed. No one was really that different, except for Ponyboy. Man, did he grow! He's now taller than me. His face is slightly older looking, and he has matured a little. He still has the goofy attitude every young teen should have.
One by one everyone started to leave going to their own homes. Pony and Darry went upstairs to their beds. While I sat alone on the couch patiently waiting for Soda to finish up in the bathroom shower. He came out and sat on the couch next to me.
"How are you, Soda" I asked breaking the quietness of the house. I was so nervous because I still really liked him but I was too afraid to tell him.
He told me about the DX, and how he dropped out of school, and so on. Soda is the type of guy that you could talk with for hours. About an hour later Soda brought me to my old bedroom. It was exactly the same. My bed on one side and my desk and dresser on the other. My closet was full with clothes I had left behind.
"Soda, why didn't you take my room?" I asked walking inside and sat in my bed. Soda still sleeps with Pony because of the awful nightmares Pony would get.
" We knew you would come back one day," he said leaning against the door frame.
"Good night Val," he said. He stepped out of the doorway and went into his and Pony's room.

I changed into my pajamas and
fell fast asleep.

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