Chapter 20 That Black Car

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Regular Pov

Pony and I were eating our breakfast at the kitchen table. It was somewhat of a calm day. Sunny. Peaceful. Quiet.
I decided to read my book on the porch. The air was warm but under the shade was nice.
I have become really depressed without Soda. Well I guess everyone is just some show it more than others. Ponyboy turned into a C+ student who only wanted to be alone and sleep. I rarely leave my room ever. Every Monday I wait at the mail box to see if I got a letter from Soda.So far  it's my favorite day of the week. I usually get his letters every week but for the past 3 weeks I have gotten nothing. " Maybe it got lost in the mail. Maybe he wrote the wrong address. Maybe he is busy. Maybe he's dead." All of these thoughts ran through my head until one thing stopped it all. The black car that took our Sodapop away from us drove up the street and stopped in front of the house. This could either be good or bad. Soda got hurt to fight and was sent home or Soda had died.

Only one man stepped out of the car. He was in a suit and had black glasses on. He was very tall and bald. He handed me a letter.

I started to cry when I saw it was addressed to Sodapop's family. Pony must have heard me and opened the door. He saw the letter and snatched it out of my hand ripping it open and read the letter silently. His eyes dropped as tears started to fall. I took the letter and read it.

Dear Curtis Household,

Mr Sodapop Curtis had been in grouping A35. This group had been in the mountains that were bombed. We have not found any remains yet, but this group has been missing presumably dead  for over a month. We are sending our  prayers to your family.

That was it. I read the letter over and over again. Hugging Pony as tightly as I could. He stroked my back and hair softly. " He lied, he told me he would come back he promised! " I said in Pony shoulder. We later broke the news to the rest of the gang. We got another letter in the mail saying that Steve was no longer needed at his base so he was being sent home. A sense of relief came over me in some way, but I was still crying myself to sleep every night.
Ponys nightmares came back ever since we got the letter. I lay in his room and help him fall asleep. Sometimes I will wake up in my room and see Pony sleeping next to me. He must have had another nightmare.
This was the worst day of my life.

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