Chapter 19

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So when Qin Ze's kiss with obvious lust fell on her sensitive neck, Yuqiu was still a little dazed, wasn't she still working hard just now? Why did he suddenly start kissing her inexplicably? And it was a kiss with such a strong meaning of courtship.

However, Yuqiu was too full this morning, so she firmly guarded her trousers, trying not to let them fall off her body. As for the upper body, ah, Qin Ze really has a pair of very good hands and Capable lips, she is really comfortable so she can't care so much.

When resting at night, Qin Ze couldn't help but tell her that he wanted to share a room with her, but Yuqiu agreed without saying anything. While sleeping, Qin Ze hugged her tightly from behind, and the continuous heat came from the fit male body behind him. If it was winter, Yuqiu would be very happy for this kind of intimate contact, but this is In summer, with the air conditioner on, she felt like she was in a sauna.

It's not that she hasn't tried to break free from the man's arms, but if her body expresses a slight movement of wanting to leave, the man will grab her back, and even at the back, as long as she moves a little, the man will hug her reflexively. tighter. And he didn't listen to him, so Yuqiu gave up struggling. She thought it would be difficult for her to sleep like this, but it might be because of the intense sex during the day and running around in the hospital, and she fell into a deep sleep after a while. Dreamland.

Listening to the even and long breathing of the girl in his arms, Qin Ze felt satisfied. It's so good to be able to hold you to sleep like this, Xiao Qiu, it would be even better if every night can be like tonight.

A good night's sleep. When Yuqiu woke up, Qin Ze was gone. She was relieved. After all, she felt that the relationship between the two of them was not close enough to get up together, get dressed, wash, have breakfast, and then take the elevator downstairs to work together. the point.

There was a steaming breakfast on the table and a note, saying that he had gone to work in the company to remind her to eat breakfast, and that he might work overtime in the evening and come back later. Yuqiu finished her breakfast absent-mindedly, and felt palpitated by the vague meaning of this note, ah, Qin Ze would not have misjudged the progress of the two of them, she just wanted to find a friend with benefits, not a boyfriend.

Making love and living together were two different things, and she wasn't ready for the next relationship just yet.

When going out, Yuqiu deliberately checked the fingerprint lock on the door. Sure enough, there were more personal fingerprints in it. She was a little annoyed. Yuqiu didn't like this kind of behavior without any sense of boundaries, so she chose to delete the fingerprints without hesitation.

Come on, Qin Ze, it's not that he doesn't have money, can't afford to rent a house or live in a hotel? What is Lai doing at her house? Eat, drink, sleep, and live for nothing? I really think of her as a philanthropist.

Although today's start was not very good, but fortunately, Qin Ze's medical examination report and case sheet were relatively strong, and she successfully fooled her about taking too long a leave. Yuqiu was delayed a lot of time at home because of Zhou Siyuan's nonsense, and the freshmen were coming soon, so she had a lot of things to deal with. But fortunately, the big head is basically rounded up by another counselor, and she just needs to go through the process and it's almost the same.

She was busy all morning, and she didn't think about eating until her stomach was growling. Seeing that it was already past the meal time, there must be leftovers in the cafeteria. If you order takeaway, you have to wait so long. It's better to go and buy some snacks to fill your stomach.

As soon as Yuqiu walked out of the office door, she saw Yun Bochong coming over with an insulated food box.

She subconsciously walked in the opposite direction, but was overtaken by the man within a few steps.

"Xiaoqiu, haven't you eaten yet?" A warm and pleasant voice sounded from behind, Yuqiu turned around reluctantly, and met those gentle brown eyes.

"It's none of your business." Yuqiu rolled his eyes at him, stepped on his high heels and prepared to leave. Why is this person so ignorant, but anyone who wants to save face will not bother her after doing those things to her, and he didn't stay abroad for a long time these years, so he suddenly returned to China and pretended to be deeply in love with her The character set.

"I heard from your colleague that you haven't eaten yet, so I specially brought you food. I ordered your favorite tomato meatballs and fish-flavored eggplant. The food in the cafeteria of University C is quite good." Yun Bochong paused , as if missing something, the voice became more gentle and soft, and the brown eyes shone with thin and dense light:

"Although it's not as good as Master Zhou's cooking skills in the UK, it tastes good. I also found a restaurant near the west school gate that is comparable to Master Zhou's cooking skills. It also specializes in stir-fry. We can try it some other day. "

Who allowed him to talk to her in such a casual and intimate manner? It was as if there had never been any cracks between the two of them, obviously their relationship had already fallen apart. Yuqiu was about to be laughed out of anger, what kind of dog is Yun Bochong, why is he so thick-skinned.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about between the two of us. Put away your attitude of pretending nothing happened, and don't come to me." Yuqiu was determined and left without looking back.

This kind of progress is not good, Yuqiu still hates herself very much, Yun Bochong looked at the graceful figure in the distance, and his brain began to work rapidly. At least find a time when the two must be in the same room, and she is not allowed to leave if she wants to, otherwise, no matter how much he wants to confide, and there are a lot of tricks waiting to be shot, the heroine turns around and leaves There was nothing he could do.

He's not interested in coercive drama or anything like that, the lure step by step will yield the sweetest and most willing fruit with a longer shelf life.

What an unlucky and unlucky day, Yuqiu bit a piece of cake and thought bitterly, even if the two colleges are next to each other, she works on the seventh floor, and recently there is something wrong with the power system of their building and they are still under repair , the elevator couldn't be used, Yun Bochong was so full that he took a food box and climbed up to the seventh floor to see her.

Thinking of seeing him, Yuqiu, from time to time in the future, I feel a sense of gloom in my heart, and I want to quit my job as a counselor. But thinking about it, this is a job that the tutor specially found for her as an additional subsidy. As long as she occasionally manages and does some paperwork, she can receive another salary in addition to the doctoral subsidy. In all fairness, the monthly salary of the C University counselor is quite considerable. .

Although it doesn't matter whether the money is received or not, it doesn't matter to Yuqiu's life, but what is important is the mentor's deep love for her, plus the fact that I have hardly worked a while ago, and there is no face-saving project. Do it well, this meeting will make a fuss about resignation within a few days, it will definitely make the instructor look bad.

Hey, I just have to stick to it first, Yuqiu thought sullenly, besides, she didn't believe that Yun Bochong, a scientific research madman, could bother her non-stop.

Today is a very depressing day, and Yuqiu doesn't really want to go home. What if Qin Ze is waiting at her door? She doesn't like to argue about relationship issues with a friend with benefits, so thinking about it, it's better to go to a nightclub to find sweet-talking little brothers to relax their relationship.

Although it's not as good as Qin Ze's face, it's much easier to break up the relationship if you want.

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