chapter 18

Start from the beginning

"Is that all of it?" Cayden asks when he saw Cullen and Rasmus entering the tent with the last of the donation boxes.

"Yeah. We already emptied the truck. It'll be back on Monday to bring more." He said and Cayden nodded. He then turned to the younger and noticed that his eyes were puffy and red.

"Did you cry?" He said out of nowhere that made the two flinch.

"He didn't. I accidentally sprayed my alcohol on his eyes. But he's fine." Cullen immediately lied and even showed the alcohol hanging on his belt.

He and Jairo have the same thing because they kept complaining how everything will be dirty and people like them must remain clean.

Cayden stared at him as if peeling his skin off. But he somehow bought the lie because his brother is a known bully. But that got Cullen a smack of a folder on his head.

"Leave him alone! He's not doing anything to you!" He yells at his brother while continuously hitting him. Rasmus tried to stop him and when Cayden was satisfied.

"Come on. You can stay with me." He says and practically dragged the male after shoving the folder to his brother so he can check the inventory himself.

The two went to the triage and Cayden sat him on a chair so he could check him. He is a medical student so he knows quite a lot.

"Do you think I would believe that he sprayed alcohol on you? You cried." He says and Rasmus knows Cayden will blurt out a list of reasons why his eyes is puffy and red so he didn't bother talking.

"Why did you even agree to help him? Being alone with my stupid brother is a stupid idea." He says and helps the boy to reduce the puffiness of his eyes.

"I'm okay. I actually feel a lot better now." Rasmus says with a gentle smile and Cayden somehow felt happy when he saw him do that.

Just like Ross. He also adores the younger when he smiles. It looks better on him unlike when he keeps a poker face.

Unbeknownst that the reason Rasmus felt a lot better is that someone comforted him for the first time ever since his father died.

Rasmus is scared that of all people who would find out, it had to be Cullen. He didn't think much of it when he saw the luminous. Because everybody keeps saying that Cullen is a face without brains.

So he did not expect that Cullen will be able to conduct his own investigation and find out that he's the prince.

But he is somehow relieved that someone knows. It makes him feel like a true person now because someone knows that the real him exists. And not just some outcast of the university.

The next day. All the students woke up early to help out the people. Everything passed by so fast until it was night time again and all the students finally went back to their dorms.

As promised. Cullen kept his mouth shut and acted normally the way he was around Rasmus. He does not bully him but he is still a tease and would not stop making silly jokes about everyone who had an epic moment during the service.

From Jairo slipping into the mud on their way to help with the donation boxes.

To Cayden and Ross playing with children to cheer them up. Cayden got drawings on his face and would not stop laughing at Ross because every kid he tries to play with would cry because they claim Ross is intimidating.

And then there's Steel and Mei who were both handing out food. And someone told them that the jam tastes bad and wants them to find peanut butter.

And lastly to Rasmus who was trying to help an old man eat but he suddenly pissed his pants and Rasmus didn't know what to do. 

He also had hilarious stories about the girls as if he was their surveillance camera.

He saw Annabelle and Xin giving out clothes but one of the kids dropped it on the mud and when Xin screamed in panic, Annabelle followed and they sounded like a choir panicking over the clothes on the mud.

Jamie, Luna and Monina who were also with Cayden and Ross at the same time were being yelled at by the kids because they are all dramatic.

Everyone in the vehicle is laughing hilariously. Even Steel, Ross and Rasmus who are not as close with Cullen. They couldn't help but laugh at his stories.

"You should've seen yourself Cullen! I got a picture of you and Wan puking just because you helped some kids find a bathroom to poop!" Cayden says and they all burst into happy laughter again.

The six were all sharing a good memory. Thanks to Cullen who started it. But he wanted to do it not to make fun of them.

But because he wanted to see Rasmus laugh now that he knows who he is. He may not know the entire detail. But he wanted the prince to find a good memory and remember it to help him stay strong.

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