Chapter 96: Joint Interment

Start from the beginning

Rather than going around mindlessly and falling into a bigger trap, it was better to wait where she was.

Closing her eyes, she felt around with her mind. She gradually heard the sound of water, the tweeting of birds, and the wind blowing past leaves. There seemed to be talking in the distance.

She was not far from the city gates. There was a river nearby.

In the cave, the formation master found the hair wrapped around the statue’s neck stopped moving. He frowned. “Not falling for it?”

A young cultivator who had not cultivated for a decade yet was so strong?

Those bald donkeys of Quiet Peace Temple had left this world. Who was helping her? The formation master tried to divine but everything seemed to be hidden by fate.

“You dare ruin my matter—you will not return alive.” The formation master bit a finger and drew a seal on the statue. “Summon the evil ghosts!”

Countless growing ghosts with sharp claws neared Kong Hou. She opened her eyes and frowned. Last night, Queen Qing Luo entered her dreams and drew her soul to the queen’s tomb. She had found it strange. Female ghosts from the mortal would should not be able to do this.

Now that these ghosts were blocking her way, Kong Hou finally understood. It was not that Queen Qing Luo had been powerful, but that others had done something. She put her fingers on Phoenix Head’s strings and plucked the strings to drive away the ghosts coming at her. She said harshly, “If you do not retreat, I will destroy your souls.”

The ghosts ignored her and came in packs at Kong Hou. Kong Hou did not hesitate. She started to kill large groups of ghosts and created a path of blood. But looking at the path ahead, she did not move.

There was only one direction out of four without any ghosts blocking the way. Didn’t this tell her directly there was something wrong with this path?

They wanted her to fall for the trap in a panic?

Kong Hou snorted. She was a smart and quick-witted girl—how could she fall for something like this?

The ghosts were not difficult for her to defeat, but there were too many of them. They were endless, and as soon as she destroyed one wave, another one would climb up.

Ding, ding, ding.

The sound of a bell. Kong Hou turned around and saw a figure fly out of the mist, holding a sword in one hand that would kill a large group of ghosts with a swing. Even though it was just a shadow with blurry features, Kong Hou recognized immediately this was a part of Huan Zhong’s consciousness.

The shadow just swung his sword two times, and the ghosts disappeared under his sword.

The figure flew next to her, grabbed her hand and flew into the sky. They quickly passed through the thick mist, and the prosperous capital was underneath them. The figure holding Kong Hou’s hand gradually disappeared, but the clear bell chimes still echoed.

Kong Hou sped up and flew into the magnificent imperial palace. As she neared the palace gates, a large snake the thickness of a man’s leg blocked her path. Just as she prepared to attack with Phoenix Head, numerous arrows flew and hit the black snake.

Several armored imperial guards pulled the snake away while some eunuchs came with buckets of water and cleaned the floor.

Kong Hou: “…”

“Be alert, do not let even a cricket in.” The captain of the imperial guard said loudly, “If these animals disturb Immort Kong Hou’s rest, how can you face your conscience and the people?”

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