The Elite

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Following day~

The rush of competition came to an end with endless disappointed of the children of orphanage to not able to see Noah and Gray fight.

Jack was busy in his affairs and Irie and Ryu have settled down in their dorms and Ryu refuses to have his own room because he wants to cuddle Irie to sleep.

Noah was busey too but his friends don't know why exactly. "I barely saw him in the morning" Eve complains as she have her sandwich.
"I am sure he is doing something fun without telling us" Hobi complains too.
"You think he have a girlfriend!" Ryu says this out of blue making Gray almost choke on his smoothie
"I don't think so Ryu" Eve laughs because his crush is sitting right here with us. And there's Irie sitting unbothered here.

Then the following afternoon Noah came over for lunch "man! You are alive huh?" Hobi says in disbelief
"Hi!!" He smiles There's nothing odd in his behaviour though
"Where were you?" Eve questions
"Ah you know some business...this and that..." He sighs
"What's this and that?" Ryu asks to make sure it's not a new word or phrase since he started learning to read and write he frequently asks questions to them mostly Hobi because he is the smartass in the group.
"Ae...what you hiding?!" Eve teases him
"Guys! It's nothing like that you will know when the time comes"
This answer didn't helped them a lot instead just made them even more curious now.

In the evening Irie went to Jack's office,
She nock once "Jack?"
"You are now member of this house, so you have to call me master" Jack answers
Jack said this the very other day when Irie finally decides to stay with them as the part of 'dragon house'
"May I come in master" Irie correct herself, it's not like it's the first time someone asked her to call them master
"yes" he answers and she comes in and gently closes the door behind her
"How can I help you?" he looks up through his glasses
"Remember you told me about someone who might help me with my swords"

"Took you long enough" he pulled his drawer and took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it and gives it to her
"I have written his name and address on it just give this to him he will help you out, now there's the door" he says politely but could seans that he wants her out right now, he do hate it when people inturpts him during his work.
She didn't said another word and left she is still not used to his mood swings.

"Victor...and that's his address i guess..." But she have no idea where this place is but she know someone who will help.
She goes to Noah who was giving lessons to younger kids. He does that quite often and kids seem so found of him that Jack have employed him as trainer here and ofcourse he gets paid for that.

He ended the class little early when he saw a certain someone waiting for him outside the class.
"Hi there..."
"Noah... sorry to disturbed your class" They greet as if it has been such a long time since they saw eachother
"That's fine! So? What's up? Likeing Swans?" He always bombs people with lots of questions
"'s nice...and i want some help"

Noah blushed thinking that it's him she came to when she needed help.
"Can you help me find this person" she shows the piece of paper she had given by Jack
"Victor...i think I have heard his name but i don't know how he will take you there" he gives back the paper
"I know i came to the right person"
"I am glad you think so"

Swans is Noah's birthplace or that's what he was told but he is familiar with each and every concer of swans and finding the given address on the paper was a piece of cake for him.
It's was the village side of the swans, people have big fields here and mostly are farmers depending on agriculture. 80% of food in swans are obtained from this country side. Noah personally have been here only for once when someone asked help from their associated to do something about wild pigs who ate their cultivated vegetables.

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