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Next morning~

The day of competition have finally came for everyone who have waited for it so eagerly special our competitors who are participating!

Noah is in his training field working his ass off he pulled an all night there and didn't even realise when the sun came out same goes for Gray how could he sleep knowing that Noah is somewhere training hard for this day
"This time I will beat the shit out of him" a sweat roll down from his chin, Gray swears as he uses his nunchucks skillfully he have those given to him by his late father and no surprise he is best at it. Last year Noah was ahead of him but this year he intend to change it, sure they are friends and the best rivals to eachother they both wana beat eachother.

Last night Ryu had a dream! A scary dream! It was so painfully that he jolt up at the middle of the night making Irie worry about him. So this early morning they both went to Jack to talk about this.
"It's just a dream though?" Jack shrugs it off
"I never has a dream before and when I did i have why....i... how could I...." Ryu looks really worried
"It's fine! Ryu as he said it's just a dream stop freaking out okay?!" Ryu flinched back when Irie get closer to him
"No! Stay away from me!" Ryu said those hurtfull words and ran out of Jack's study room
"I will see you later" Irie said to Jack and ran after him
Jack just sighs and continues his work

How can I even dream of something like that!! I hurt Irie!! I killed her!? But why? How could I even have such dreams! And why the hell that dream felt so real.

Ryu runs with his full strength he just wana stay away from Irie. not knowing where he is going or if he bumped on something he just wana be alone, he never killed anyone ever since he came to this world so how could he even think about death of the most important person in his life. He could still feel the dead corpse of Irie lying in his hands.

Irie ran as fast as she could so she won't loose track of him. She saw him running out of the dorms and going to the busey market, "what is wrong with him!" Irie keeps chase him.

After this game of tag Ryu finally came to stop at some point where he find himself between a dark allay and closed walls, it's the first time he have seem such places.
"Have you ran enough?" Ryu heard someone from his behind to find Irie who have chased him to here
"Leave me alone for sometime!" Ryu said a little loudly
"Okay! Fine...i will wait outside then" Irie only walk out of the allay and waits for him there

"I wana get stronger to protect her and not to hurt her" Ryu said in low voice but Irie heard it well
"You don't have to protect me Ryu, i can take care of myself" Irie replies, they are at the other sides of Ally, Ryu stands at the darker area and Irie is out in the daylight and disspite the noices around there Irie only hears Ryu's voice loud and clear
"If you ever try to kill me i will kick your ass first and i am better than you so there's nothing to worry about me you better watch yourself!"
"You promise that you will protect yourself before me?" Ryu pops out into the daylight
"You really want me to sound mean huh! Okay fine i will save myself first!" Irie gave up on sulky Ryu
"You promised! No turning back!" Ryu jumped on her and Irie catched him safely
"You are more of a koala than a dragon" Irie tease him


"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this year's 'the strongest cultivator world championship'" the mc anounce and starts this year's competition.
Irie and Ryu got a front seat since Ryu wana see it very closely and they kept a seat for Jack too.
At their back all the seats were filled with the children of orphanage who also brought the banners saying 'Noah! Our champion!' 'Gray our hero' and many more and they are hell excited about this.

"And now finally! our chief guests are here 'the five elite leaders of swans!' a big round of applause for them!"
The crowd claped for them some even stand up when they came in.
"Who are they?" Ryu asks Jack who is beside him
"They are chief thead of the swans, i was once request to be one too but i refused" Jack laughs proudly
"Yah sure!" Ryu gave a side eye
"What you don't believe me!" Jack chukels and ofcourse Ryu didn't believe him.

"Now! Now! Since our honerable guests are here! Shall we being!" The mc points the mick towards the crowd and they shout "yes!" Together
"Okay! So Please welcome our this year's 'soon to be champions'"

They all walk in to the arina the crowd screams for their favourites, some looked scared some have their head up high but most of them have an scary aura around them and with a straight face then there's group of Noah, Gray, Eve and Hobi they walk in together and Jack blocked his one ear before they even enter why? Because the moment they walked in their friends and everyone sitting at back of them with banners screamed their lungs our, Ryu flinched for a second when he heard them scream when they entered.
"They are quite famous huh!?" Ryu says
"Ha! If you think so" Irie have no thoughts yet

They all look awesome standing there in the middle of arina with their weapons around themselves, the mc declared the terms and conditions and that the opponent will be set up randomly so it all depends on the luck. They all have a number tag with themselves.
There are various numbers in the bullitin board that's floating in the middle of arina so that everyone could see it. Irie and Ryu were amazed to see such thing.
"Okay! Let's begin!" The mc announces and they all left the arina

"According to our board! For the first round first match We have no.5 Sref voloski all they way  from balan going against no.3 Toop jemin from julian!!" mc announces as they both walk in from another sides

The referee standing at the middle of arina throws the red hanky then steps back and the match begins.
They both don't have any weapons with themselves, Irie was curious how will this go. And guess what they fight with their fist.

"Wow! They are awesome even when they are not using any mana or weapons" Irie comment
"It's doesn't always have to be either weapon or energy it's simple combat skills and that's enough if you are brave enough"
"Brave!?" Ryu looks at him
"Well brave enough to stand against someone who have big blades" Jack looks towards Irie and her buster swords like do she have to bring that thing here?

Soon the fight end and the guy from julian end up winning this match just like that matches goes on one by one until it was turn for Noah, he is number 7.

Noah walks in and their friends shouts out for him he lookes very calm, his  opponent have sword in his hands and well Noah seems empty handed but he does have a dragger but he doesn't use it that much.
"Go! Noah!" A girl scream from the crowds

As the referee throws the red hanky and the match begins and ended with in just two seconds. How? Well Noah just punched right away on the opponent's face and he flew about few metres away the next second. And he walk inside like nothing happened

"Why am I not surprised!" The mc chuckles making the crowd laugh like it was nothing new.

Where as when Noah walked in and caught up with his friends mainly Eve, Gray and Hobi
"i was cool right!?" Noah says to them making an 'i am so handsom' face.
"Geez..." Eve cringe and rolled her eyes
"Gray! Hobi! You saw that?" He said and flips his hair with a sassy look
Gray could just make a disgusting face and Hobi felt like puking already.

"Noah is strong!" Ryu says when they witnessed this for the very first time
"Yah, and not just combat but his mana is strong too and he is quite fast at cultivating it too" Jack is always proud of him
"Like how fast?" Irie couldn't help asking
"You will see that"

Next match was Gray's and once again the children from orphanage screamed for their precious family member.
He have a pair of nunchucks haging at his sides. Irie saw that for the first time
"He uses those? What's it again nunchucks!?" Irie have an eye for weapons
"Yes! Those are nunchucks, he is the only one who uses it in our  our household" Jack never calls it an orphanage he always says home insted and Ryu noticed that a lot.

The fight begin, his opponent was arm less so he too also didn't pull out his weapon
Unlike Noah he didn't punched him right away but he waited for him to make the first move and when he did with just one round kick he was tossed in the dust with an easy win to Gray and he walk back like a boss.
When he came inside "that was so cool" Hobi couldn't help saying "i was cool too" Noah says sulking at the back.
Soon Eve got her trun she cleared the first round pretty easily since she is very good at close combat.
Hobi had a tough time but he did put his opponent on the ground when he got the chance.

Like that matches were quite interesting and fun up until this one guy with a black caped and hood over his head walks in.

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