This is life

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Another day comes and Irie is very thankful that they left the mist valley early in the morning there is no sight of sun in there and it was freezing once the fire was out at night, but they managed it somehow.

"I am really hungry ahh!" Irie grabs her stomach as they walk closely so that they won't loose each other in mist

"Hold it for few more hours and we will reach 'I-lands' there we could find something to eat"

"What is it a village?" Irie asks
"! It's islands located in middle of the Koko sea"
"Oh! Well I have never seen a sea before"

~wow what's sea?

I think some kind of place mostly covered in water they sail on it through boat or ship something....

~Oh we will see it for the first time

Ryu speaks in excitement...

"Well not your fault since there is no sea in Haimon" Arthur comments
Irie smiles bitterly and leap forward Arthur

They walk and walk and walk no water no food they just care to reach the I-lands and get something to eat and drink that's all they both have in mind for now. But they have forgotten that Lucas have kept an close eye on them and their each and every moves.

Mark is on his way to them he have seen general few time here and there and specially in the tournament but he was curious about another person who is with him, general's little spy or something. That's what Lucas told after running a background check on Irie.

After almost an hour of walking without talking finally they could see their surroundings and eachother clearly but it's shady and sun is still out of their sights. But the warmth is pleasent. And trees are making the path as if it's man made.

"Ah..! Weather is nice here" Irie checks out here and there
Arthur just keeps and eye on her.

~is it really that good?

"Yah it is....and you will get to know it one day I promise" Irie talks to Ryu

"Genr...I mean master i guess we still got few more distence to cover before we get something to eat till then could you teach me something, anything.." Irie walks back wards facing Arthur

"Hm...let's see..." He pauses so does Irie,
Arthur looks around and found what he was looking for a piece of log it's quite the size of his arms.
Then he cut it into four parts vertically with his small knife

Then he throws one piece in the air and pulls out his one buster sword and just when the piece was in front of his eyes he cuts it into two and everything just happened so fast that if you blink you will miss it.
Irie jaw dropped at the speed of his movement,

~that was really fast!! Man!!

"You have to work on your accuracy and speed to do this, but first get used to their waight" he then give the pieces to Irie and moves on

Irie let out her breath and puts the pieces on her backpack and pulls out her buster swords and did what he told to get more used to it's waight.
"Woh! They were right it does feel kinda lighter then before" Irie lifts them as they are light sticks and her left hand is just little shaky
For another hour Irie keeps holding them Arthur smiles looking at her for time to time.

"Hey kid! Look here" Arthur interrupts in between Irie's conversation with Ryu
Irie sprints towards him, they stand at the edge of the cliff and could see the clear sky and light blue and dark blue with mix of little sea green ocean and golden sand in front of them. Irie's eye shines due to sunrays so does the beautiful golden sand along the coastline. There were peoples loading things and ships setting off for sails and men doing fishery. It doesn't seems as a harbour but still quite a lot of people doing their business.

"Food..." Irie drools thinking about it
"We won't find it here they are just for work here you won't find a shop here, there... we will get to eat something" Arthur turns Irie's head to show her the islands called "is that I-lands?"
"Yah! Let's go" Arthur walks down and Irie puts back her swords and follow him.

They soon stepped on the white sand, Irie have seen this for the first time so does Ryu, she bends down to touch it "wow! It's like salt!"

~hehe but in too much quantity

"It's soo satisfying!!"


"Yah!!" Irie takes handful of sand and it rans out from her hand then she turns towards the shore the wave that hits the sand and makes it wet, for once it goes towards sea and then it comes towards her that makes her run away so that her boots don't get soaked. Ryu and Irie both laugh together, It seems fun.

"Ops!! We are left behind" Irie looks up and found general talking with those people and it's seems very far so she try to run only to fall on her face.

Ryu laughing his ass out

"Shut up!" Irie chock the sand out of her mouth and dust off her clothes.

"Is she with you?" One fisher man asks Arthur pointing towards her, then only Irie falls on her face
"Oh! Umm...yah" Arthur sighs and scratches his forehead in embarrassment.
"Okay...we will leave after fifteen more minutes" the captain of the ship informs Arthur
"Yah! Sure"
"Ain't you a lucky one that you got us or you might just have to return from here" another fisher man says as he loads boxes of fishes on the ship
"I guess" Arthur looks at Irie well i guess we did got lucky after all huh..?

It's because this is a short cut for going to  western kingdoms but people don't usually take it because there is no transport facility unless you find a cargo just like Arthur and Irie. This will take them to the I-lands a small island located in middle of Koko sea which connects two different continents.

"Faster!! Get here!" Arthur screams at Irie because she got distracted when she saw a white shell on the sand and was Busey collecting them.
"Ah! Yes!" Irie stuffs all the collected sheels indise her backpack and sprint towards Arthur.

"Three more boxes captain!" One man screams
"Okay!" Captain replies who is on the deck
"But the storage room is full sir!" Another man on deck with captain replies
"Then just put them on the deck!"
"Okay captain!" 

"Arthur! Come on up we are ready to go" the captain signals them so they climbed up on the ladder
Once they make sure that their all men are loaded they pulls up the ladder and the anchor and sets off for the I-lands.

Irie is on the deck at the front of the ship at the very tip of the deck, she wide her hands to feel the wind, her attari and hair locks moves along the wind not at all trying to resist it. She could feel the wind hitting her face little harshly but still gently.

"Yooh hoo!!" Irie screams at the top of her lungs and she thinks 'yes! this is life!'

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