An enemy

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Ship moves on an constant speed Irie puts her head out and keeps staring at the flowing water and the ship cutting through it. Where as Arthur is just sitting under the shade and relaxing his muscles.

On the other hand Mark has reached near shore "it will be fun!" Mark laughs sarcastically standing on the same cliff where Arthur and Irie were standing few  hours ago.

"Now come out! *Sigh* Stop hiding i already saw you"  Mark says without looking back.
Then someone steps down from the tree 'Luna' Mark's childhood friend but now she has become a pritty young lady same age as him, with beautiful brown eyes and long blond hair, who has a huge crush on him. She thinks of Mark as a childhood sweethearts.
"What!?" Luna crosses her hands
"Go home" Mark rubs bridge of his nose, because this happens every time, when ever Mark leaves Haimon Luna always follow her where ever he goes, she just want to be close to him all the time but Mark is just so dense.
"Nope!" Luna turns her head to left
"Stop following me around! Are you still a kid?"
"Not me but you!"
"Don't misunderstand it but 'I don't need you' here" that stabbed Luna's heart like a knife
"Who said I came for you?"
"Whatever this is the end point for you and now just turn on your heels and return back"
"I am not going anywhere!"
"Luna!!" Mark didn't shows it but he does care for her after all she is his childhood and only friend he ever had, and the mission he is on right now can put her in danger and that's the last thing he would ever wish for.
"I will do whatever I want Mark! So just shut up and let me tag along with you"
"NO!...NO!! What is wrong with you? you will be just a burden to me anyways"
(Luna is also a cultivator and can use sword by the way Mark)
"What the..!" Luna stromed towards him with a flying kick making him fall then they fought for another few hours like cats and dogs, pulling their hair, biteing eachothers arms or ears, etc.

~irie i am not feeling well all of a sudden

Hm...why? All of a sudden, like what?

~like something is going to happen

Well anything can happen Ryu nobody knows it in advance....what has to happen will happen...

~but still just be alert, that's all I am saying

Don't worry I will protect you!
Irie said and smiled to her ears

"Um... master..!?" Irie wakes up Arthur who is meditating 
Arthur slowly opens his eyes and looks at her with a questioning look
"Ryu said something is about to happen and we have to be in alert"
"I sensed it too" Arthur looks towards the blue sea
"Huh?! How you guys do it?!"
"Just a gut feeling"
"What's that?"
"You will know when you have to know"
"" Irie tilted her head Not getting a thing what just Arthur said.

Arthur gets up from his seat and takes a walk on the deck, the sea looks clear with just a little island far in sight.
Arthur has no thoughts in his head he just knows that Lucas will surely try something soon and only heaven knows what. 

"Hey kid! What's your name?" One fisher man asks out of curiosity who have been watching her for quite some time
" i am Irie and you are...?" Irie asks
"I am Nick, are heading towards Rome?"
"Ah...Roman? No to swans actually..." Irie scratches her neck because she have no idea what or where is Roman.
"Oh! Swans? I see"
"Where do you live in I-lands?" Irie asks
"Yes my home is there and my whole family is there, my mom my wife and two little dumplings" the man laughs
"Home..huh.." Irie murmurs
"Ah... nothing"
Then he walks away because someone called him inside. Leaveing Irie in full of thoughts do I have a home now?

~well you do have a home

Ryu remindes her that they have a home in Haimon.
Irie sits on a bench which is at the back of the ship,

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