Swnas and Friends

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Next morning~

They had bread and milk for the breakfast the emergency food that Arthur always keeps with him, he have an idea that they are about to reach swans soon so he didn't mind eating them.

"Have you ever been to swans?" Irie asks as she turns around facing Arthur and walk backwards
"Yah" and as expected Arthur being 'not so talkative' that he is
"How is it? Just like Roman? Or may be like Haimon?"
"It's nothing like any other emiper" Arthur chuckles
"Swans is an only kindom where the fights between cultivators and swordmen are held on a big scales they have the biggest stadium of all time and people come there from across the world, also they have many agency  which heir some best cultivator and strong peoples who are capable and assigned them to complete tasks and missions given to them, like a job. it's quite a different one and there is no such things as monarchy it's all a foundation run by group of people"
"Woah!! Awesome! I wana reach there already" Irie jumps in excitement and turns around and run
"And that makes it dangerous one of all" Arthur says it more like a whisper and Irie didn't heard it because she already ran away.

After another night and more training the next day they finally saw the big walls from a far.
"We made it" Irie grins

~is that what you call swans

Yep! That's it! Ryu and now all we gotta do is find Mr.jack hardwood and hope that he got all the answers to our question

~i have mixed feelings...hm...it's odd

You don't have to worry as long as I am alive

~i thought that was my line...

"Lame.." Irie sneer and Arthur looks at her act like, what's wrong with her.

Knowing that destination is this close Irie brisk walk like there is no end to it and since Arthur is tall he managed to keeps up with her, soon they are at the front gates they both paused shared a look and walks inside through the big gates of swans leading to a different world especially a crowded one.

"Woah!! Ha! Ha! It's so lively here.." Irie couldn't help being excited
"So?" Arthur asks
"Hm?" Grabbing Irie's attention
"My job is done this is your stop"
"Wait! Are you leaving already?" Irie grabs his hands tightly
"Or what?"
"Um...stay a little longer please" Irie claps her hand together in pleading
"Please..." Irie's eye twinkles
"Okay! Okay! I have to buy somethings anyways" Arthur scratches his back of neck
"Lets go!!" Irie grabs his hands and run through crowds to god knows where

"Wait!" Arthur paused making Irie tug back then he free his hands from her and walk indise a grocery shop and Irie follows back

~you gonna miss him huh?

Ofcourse I will Ryu! What am I gona do without him....i was depending on him a lot

Irie observe him from far, her throat feels tight when she thinks about him leaveing but she managed somehow to make him stay at least for a little longer, just a little.

"Okay, I am done here" Arthur returns after paying for the items
"Let's get some food then" Irie marches in front of him till they saw a restaurant
They got their tabel plus menu card then they passed their orders.

"Where you will be heading next?" Irie broke the ice
"To South" that's all he said so she didn't mendle in more about it
Then there's silence again if Irie didn't say anything Arthur will not say anything, it's just normal. Irie have nothing to say anymore, she just want to enjoy their last meal like this.

The only sound they could hear was of utensils clinking with one another and nothing, Irie is really busy eating her chiken wings that she didn't noticed Arthur staring at her for quite some time.

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