Mr. Jack hardwood

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"Let's go then!" Noah leads the way as Gray and Hobi company the thief and Eve following back with Irie.
"So tell me why you wana meet our guild master anyways?!" Eve asks
"Um...i never knew that he was some master of a guild i just came here knowing that he is an author"
"That's his part time job" Hobi chuckles
"At least it's the same person I am looking for" Irie sighs finally getting the chance to meet him, the whole reason this all started in the first place.
"You didn't answered my question" Eve says
"You know for so so reason" Irie  says beating around the bushes because she can't reveal her mission to anyone
Eve just nods trying not to drag this topic any longer because whatever the reason is it doesn't concern them. Eve is a smart girl.

After taking few more turns and passing the busey streets they finally stopped at the front of a big gate, Noah pushed it open to reveal a big old-school courtyard house filled in green and people busey practising swords and chatting on the open yard.

"Welcome to our home!!" Noah actions with his hands
"Your home?!" Irie asks in confusion
"Yes, we live here" Eve clears
"Oh!" Irie didn't asked what so ever
"Shall we..."

They show her the way inside, there are lots of doors probably dorms for them, Irie keeps looking around hoping they will soon come across Mr. Hardwood.

"Hey you guys are back!" Someone comes forward to greet them
"Yah! Have you seen the guild master?" Noah asks
"Probably in the back yard training the new kids" the boys answers
"Okay...let's go" Noah looks at Irie
She just nods and they follow him leaving the thief in care of the boy they just met.
" I supposed to do with him?" The boy protests but they were long gone and the man looks at him like 'i know how you feel bro'.

As they reach closer to the back yard they could hear the sound of kids screaming in unison
"One! Up! Two! Down! Three! Left..."
And it continues
Soon they reached there to seen the group of around ten students standing in proper position with a stick and a proper dress code, then Irie saw a man standing in front with a stick, he is quite tall and has bleached hair and beautiful blue eyes with a pair of glasses on.

~seriously! I didn't expected him to look this young

I know right i thought he would be an old man...

"Don't get deceived by his looks he is over 45" Eve wispers in Irie's ears.
"Over 45" Irie speaks in disbelief and quite loud that got Mr. Hardwood's attention.

"20 burpees 4 reps, right now" he orders the kids
"Yes sir!!" They all scream and do as he said

Then he walks towards this group of kids who came to see him probably,
"Noah?" He asks
"Ah! Yes, master this person here wants to meet you" Noah steps back to give Irie the way
"Hello! I am Irie, i came from Haimon looking for you" Irie says with determination
"Haimon you say....." He gets full look of her "sure...let's talk elsewhere..."
Irie nods and follow him but others didn't follow them, she give a last glance at them and walk away tailing his back.

He lead her to another side of the house which is constructed over a lake and it's filled with lotus bloom.
The place is very quite unlike the rest of the house, he rests his elbows on the side railing and looks at her.

"How can I help you?" He asks
"So Mr. Hardwood the thing is i came here looking for some answers regarding your book" she searches for the book inside her backpack
"Please call me Jack, and which book exactly?!" He asks he didn't expect kids will like reading the books he wrote because most of them are on the researches he did.
"This one.." she show it to Jack
"Oh! The dragons huh?! It's been decades since I wrote this" he opens it and flips some pages only to find few pages missing at the end.
"I guess you know a lot about dragons" Irie says
"Hm? No not really...anyways few pages are gone" he closes the book
"Yes...i don't know who tore it but do you have another one?"
"I am not sure...i have to check it on my library"
"Okay I will wait.."
"But I don't think you came all the way here just for the missing pages right?!" Jack looks suspeciously because the author of the book is just standing in front of her.

Should I tell him but I can't trust him, not yet Ryu


"Um...if you could just help me get a new book that's all I want" Irie says nervously
"Fine... fine" Jack shrugs it off


At the Gray's room, hobi is sitting on the chair who was forced to come with him,
"Today is sales on extra cheese burgers let's go and get some before it gets sold out!" Hobi drools thinking about burgers, Hobi lives only for his friends and burgers.

"Before that tell me, you felt something unusual about that girl right?" Gray asks
"You noticed too!" Hobi asks
"No! But you did right?!"
"I will tell you on the way"

Then they walk out on the way towards market where there is a sales on extra cheese burgers,
"I am not sure about the feeling but it's sure something odd" Hobi scratches the back of his neck
"Like what?!"
"Perve..." Gray seers
"What no!! It's the feeling, i felt like i am seeing something big in front of me!" Hobi smacks his arm in anger
"Just kidding..." Gray chuckles
"You are the pervert here..." Hobi murmurs

On the other hand Jack looks throughly inside his library for that book, soon he founds it, "there you are..." He cleans the dust and goes to Irie.
"Here..." He offers it to Irie but as she was about to grab it he pulls it back not letting her get it. She looks at him in confusion.
"How much?!" Irie asks fast-forwardly
"Tsk! Just one honest answer" Jack says because he didn't want any money
"Have you ever seen a real dragon?" 
After a pause Irie says "yes" fearlessly.

"I like honest peoples, here you go" he finally gives it to her
"How much" Irie still asks
"I am not selling it to you"
"Oh! But why?!"
"Cause I don't think that book can answer your all questions so that book is pretty useless"

He is right, i know that some book can't answer all my questions....

~you should just tell him

"It's not like you know everything" Irie says in disappointment
"Well why don't you try asking then" Jack says that and leaves the room

"Ryu what do we do?!" Irie look back at the door

~like he said just ask

"But what if he have bad intentions and if he try to hurt you"

~then we will kick his ass...and cut his....

"Okay okay" Irie chukels listening to sassy Ryu 

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