Strength and weaknesses

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"can you teach me how to?" Ryu asks Jack to teach him to how to use his powers correctly, for the first time Ryu realised that there are lot of things he can do being a dragon and protect Irie because she has been protecting him for all these time and she is doing it till this date.

But now that i am here i will protect her and make sure she never feel the loneliness she did back at Haimon....

"Since I am not a dragon or a dragon master i have to look throughly before giving you any guidance and it may take time but you said you guys are leaving..."

"who's leaving?" Noah inturpts inbetween out of nowhere.
"Don't you know how to nock" Jack glance at him because he might have heard the dragon part
"Don't worry i didn't heard much just the last part that they will be leaving!?" Noah seems bothered by this news
"Get out" Jack said with a straight face even before Ryu could say anything
Noah know that face it means he is really serious he understand that Jack hate being disturbed during some important work and Noah respects that and leave without any other word and goes straight to find Irie.

"You reminded me of someone..." Ryu mumble he was referring to Arthur since that's how he look most of the time he always keeps a dead serious face.
"Did you said something?"
"Ah! No! Nevermind"
" what do you say? wana stay here for may be um.... don't know how much long though?"
"I...have to talk to Irie about this"
"Sure! Have your time and i always have a room for you"

With that Ryu leaves to his and Irie's room to talk about this

But she wanted to go back right? Since her home is there.... wait is that even a home without her grandmother? Then if she still wana go to Haimon then ofcourse I will follow her back, since she is my master after all.

With all these jumbled thoughts Ryu drag himself to the door of the room and opens it with a sigh only to find Noah sitting with her on bed beside her and Irie with puffed eyes.
"What on earth is going on here" Ryu storms in towards Irie
"Ryu..." Irie hugged him without any warning
"What's wrong?" Ryu asks in concern hugging her even more tightly
"Ryu...i...cried for the first time" she blunt out and her voice sound a little hoarse may be due to crying soo much
"Really..." Ryu sounded sad more that surprised because little did he know Irie was unable to shed tears may be because of him being inside her body
"But i am feeling good now...i felt like my burden just melted away" she looked back and Noah who is standing quietly witnessing this sean but he is not sure if he should feel jealous of their closeness or happy that Irie is not alone with having Ryu by her side.

"You guys seems really close" Noah can't help asking this
"Ofcourse we are because we 'love' each other 'soo' much" Ryu said sarcastically while back hugging Irie, can't be helped Ryu understand human imotions better than humans and he knows that Noah has something for Irie it's not that deep but there is a tiny bit of care he have for her. And ofcourse he love teasing him because this guy always gives the best reactions.
"Oh..." Noah was taken back but he composed himself
"It's nothing like that...he is just my only family i had"
"But you have us now..." Noah reminds her about what they talked about just now
"Yah! Ryu listen i have something important to talk about"
"Then i will excuse myself" Noah leaves the room gentle closing the door behind his back
I have to keep an eye on him...
Noah thought

Ryu looks forward to what she have to say well he also have something important to talk about,
"So you wana go back to Haimon?"
"I don't mind if you wana go back" Ryu will blindly follow where Irie goes he didn't care about anyone or anything more than Irie
"Then how about staying here...?" Irie asks with uncertainty in her eyes
"That's what I was thinking!!" Ryu jumps in happiness
"Really??" Irie was so revealed that Ryu also wana stay here in swans
"Yes! Well the things is i wana learn how to use my powers correctly and Jack said he will teach me and it will be nice if i stay here for that" then Ryu explained all the things Jack told

"Then it is settled we will be staying here longer i guess" Irie smiles after a long time today.
"I will protect you Irie so please don't cry" Ryu said being clingy to her, he is just soft for Irie and she is used to his behaviour up till now.
"But crying make me realise how it feels to smile..."
"But still don't cry.."
"Okay! Okay! Now get off me it's hot in here"

After having lunch alone with Ryu since no one really came to eat today, Jack took Ryu to the lake they asked Irie to tag along but she refused because she wants to compensate for the training she missed for past few days.
"Why are we here?" Ryu asks
"Let's try something that i just came across"
Ryu don't know what to say "don't worry just do as I say"
"I don't think you being a dragon will change the fact that you have to use same technique that we know that is to use the water style"
"What's water style?" Ryu heard it for the first time
"So basically a style or you could simply say the way you use your energy you cultivated but you don't have to worry about cultivation since you naturally have it and you keep generating it even when you are just breathing unlike us humans, i know few types myself but for you! You could only learn water since it's your life element that's an only demerit you have"
"Hm...water style huh? So will you be teaching me that?"
"Yes! That's what I have planned"

Jack taught him some basic moves to begin with that he learns very fast but when the time came to actually draw that power out through his nerves where they have came to stop
"I can bearly feel anything!" Ryu protest
"Keep trying it's always scary at first but you have to get used to it come one try once again!" Jack being his pacemaker
"I am telling you i can't even tell if i have anything inside me" Ryu gave up
"You are not even trying Ryu! Think about why you wana learn this, to quit?" Jack mocks him but more like bringing the fire up
" not for me i wana do it for Irie" Ryu stands up again with tightening his fingers in a fist
"That's right for Irie!" Jack got his end point from where he could never back off its 'Irie'

This time Ryu did it with determination and keeping Irie in mind that she is the reason he wanna become strong! Stronger than anyone.
Jack saw the first spark of water forming with his hands movements
"You are there!!"
"Woah!! I am getting goosebumps" but that didn't stopped Ryu he wana keep going he wana see for how lone he could hold this
The small ball of water starts to get bigger and bigger and to Ryu's surprise not a single drop of water from pond was led in this it's all generating form with in his own body!
The water ball now was almost the size of his body "that's enough or.." Jack stops him and steps back from him Ryu didn't understand why but then when he stopped suddenly the big ball of water splashes over him.
"Oh that's why..." Ryu says who is fully drenched in his own water

"Irie is your strength! I hope you keep it that way" Jack comments this before heading the way back to dorm and Ryu follow his back
"What do you mean!?"
"If she is your biggest strength then she is your biggest weakness too"
"How could she be my weakness though?"
"You will get it one day"
"Hey! Can't you just say it in more understandable way?"
"That's the easiest possible way i could say it and if you still didn't get it then you are just dumb"
"Now who's this dumb!?"

In the evening dorm was really quite and Irie didn't found a single sole roming around, "what's going on?" Irie looks around to find someone...anyone.
"I think they are all busey" Ryu comments from her back like a ghost
"Gosh!! long have you been standing behind me?" Irie almost have a heart attack because of Ryu
"From the moment you left the room"
"Why? Aren't you busey with Jack?"
"We are done"
"Oh! What did you learn?"
"Water style" Ryu says proudly
"Were you able to do it?"
"You bet I did"
Irie pat his head in appreciation.

" that you said it i should learn some style too don't you think?" Irie also wana grow now that Ryu is trying to grow stronger too so how can she just sit back and do nothing
"Why though you have me now so... Hey!"
Irie didn't even listen to his nonsence and just walked away

Hm... learning to use an element but I need mana for that which I don't think I have enough, but! Wait! I do have my buster swords!

Irie goes back to her room and brings out her buster swords she did warmed up a little bit before and tried the things Arthur taught him but what after that?!
He is not here to teach her any further!
"I guess just have to find someone else" Irie goes to Jack for the advice

"Swords huh?" Jack did saw those things with her before but didn't thought she might wana be a swords person.
"So can you teach me?" Irie asks
"Hm!? That's a no! But i know someone who might help"

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