Not strong enough

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a man in black cloak enters the room where Lucas is expecting him to show up.
"we are tailing him for the time being sir" the man spokes looking up through his bangs
Lucas didn't respond so he continued
"and it seems like he is taking rest for today"

Lucas stands up and pick up that bracelet from the drawer "and what about that bug of his"
"we found her running out from Haimon she is probably going to the general"
Lucas has his ways of getting information from here and there, so he has found out about the owner of this bracelet which belongs to guild of craftsmen from very old times. and there are only two people belonging to that guild who escaped the war alive and came to Haimon for shelter. in which one of them is dead not long ago. so probably has to be the one who is still alive. who is non other than Irie.

"kill her first she should not meet the general even if they did then kill them both no one should know that it's 'me' who plotted it against him" Lucas have black aura around him and evil in his eyes.
"you got it" that man said and left

Irie keeps moving towards west hoping to reach the kingdoms of swan to find Jack hardwood the author of the book 'dragons'. so that she could get all her answers which only he can give.
"ah...I can't believe he ditched us" Irie complains again and again how can she mistake on choosing someone, she was never once wrong about any person.

~see I already told you he isn't trustworthy

"still he could at least have told me or simply took me with him" Irie kicks the stone but hurt her own foot

~we don't need him! we can survive on our own

"yah! don't worry I won't die yet, not until I complete what I started"

~that's the spirit!!

after few hours "ugh!! I am thirsty" Irie falls on the ground covered in dry leaves and role around kicking and punching in air in frustration because they have been walking for like morning and now it's going to be evening.

~lets take a break?

"hell yah but I am out of water" Irie is thinking of crying and drinking her own tears at the moment when suddenly she heard footsteps on the dry leaves that made her sit straight to see two men in black cloak face hidden with mask walking towards her.
Irie stands up neither of them spokes a word but Irie can sence the atmosphere pretty well, they are here for her but why?
Irie slowly reaches the handle of swords looking at both of them, in next second Irie drops her backpack and pulls out both swords and those men also took out their swords and charged towards her, well those men were not expecting this scenario where she will pull out weapons.

Irie is good with one buster swords at a time but handling two at once is bit hard for her specifically her left hand and that was a big mistake. one of the man attacks her left hand her weak point because her left hand is not used to lift that much waight as of swords and he successfully wounded the back of her hand and her sword falls down on the ground.

Irie hiss in pain but she didn't let go of her right hand sword and bring both hands together.
on the other hand they are very skilled she has to admit.
"it's not fare you know two against one" Irie dodge back
they didn't respond to her at all
"how rude!" Irie shook her head
once again they run towards her with their swords, seems like they only speaks with their swords.

where as they are busey with there swords some another guest have been watching them and having fun hiding behind the leaves for quite a while, and the battle down there seems to have no end to it.

those two men in black are quite amused by the little girls skills but that's taking them more time and energy needed to get their job done.
at this point they looked at each other and nod then one of them stepped back where as another one is keeping her busey, Irie also has her limits and she is getting tired. the sun is also about to set soon. and if it gets dark things might not be on her favour so she has to end this fast. they will not retreat no matter what unless she hurt them. but Irie just can't bring herself to do so. she has never hurt anyone with her sword up until now.

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