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Erica's Pov
I bounced Ginger on my lap, she was half asleep. She was really tired bit at the same time really stubborn. I bounced her slowly hoping that she would fall asleep already. Since I was bouncing her I almost didn't catch Ray walking in. I shushed him, he slowly walked in with his hands raised. I laughed quietly. Then I sqw a figure appear behind him. Aw, it was Christopher.I waved as he quietly walked up and laid on the bed. Then I looked back at Ray who mouthed 'i'll be back'. I nodded ligjtly before he walked out. Chrustioher had day care today so he looked pretty tuckered out so I didn't really mind him staying. I pulled Ginger up a bit to see that she was sleep as well. I laid her down gently in her crib near by. I tip toed back but she didn't wake up. I tip toed my way out of the room. When I got out I saw Ray on his way out the door. "Babe, where you going?", I asked walking uo behind him. "Out with Craig.", he answered. "To where?", I chuckled. He walked over to me and gave me a peck on the lips. "Business.", he said walking off.
Craig's Pov
Today I was supposed to pick up Christopher at daycare, but I Ray Raydid it for me. He said we have some 'business' to handle, I have no idea what hes talking but I need a little time with other adults so I agreed. I stopped at a red light and checked my phone. There was a text of from Ray. It said; operation Lisa. I laughed what, this ought to be fun.
Xavier's Pov
I was sitting by Richard and Eernie at the park. We were on the park bench pointed towards the park way. "Have you talked to Brandon?",
Eernie asked me. "Nope.", I sighed. "Why not?", Richard asked. I shrugged. I don't know what's up with him and I don't care. "In that type of mood, huh?", Eernie asked. I nodded agreeing. "Well tell me wjat happens bruh, I need to go to work.", he said rising up. We both stare over at him. "Okay, bye man.", Richard said. "Bye.", I said looking back over at the park. From the corner of my eyes I can see him shake his head and laugh, giving us one last wave. "Hey I'm about to go to. Baes at home and wants me there pronto. "Fine.", I sigh looking over to him. I reached my hand out and he takes. then left me there just starring. I really didn't know what to do. I just looked off into a light daze.
Craig's pov
"Is that him?", I asked pointing over to a lighter african american. He nodded, I think this is ridiculous. Lisa wouldn't cheat would she? I mean I know Princeton has problems but she would never cheat. "I just want find out before Prince does.", he says and I agree. Once his friends leave we began our decent over to him. We were staking out in a car, it was really creepy but it's for Prince. Once we made it over to him Ray gave him a slight knudge. He didn't move at first but soon he started to look up. "Hey, umm I know you don't know us but we wondering how you know Lisa?", Ray asked. He looked confused for a moment before asking why. We both looked at each other then back to him. "Just wondering, we have BBQ coming up and we just wanted to know who we were inviting.", Ray said. I looked over to Ray Ray, is he crazy. I don't know who this guy is maybe it is Lisa's secret lover, he doesn't need to be at my party. "Oh she's my girlfriend.", he said shrugging his shoulders. My eyes widen. "Your girlfriend.", I repeat. He nodded and looked from me to Ray. "Why who's asking?", he said sitting up. "Like I said just friends but aye we have to go but we'll see you soon uh, what's your name?", Ray asked him. "My names Xavier.", he said he said looking up at Ray Ray. "Cool, uh later man.", Ray said turning back around walking towards the car. I gave Xavier a quick nodd before following behind Ray, who was quiet back to the trip to the car and I couldn't blame him. Once we made it back to the car we were both stunned. "What are going to do?", I aske Ray. "I got an idea.", he says looking up at me. Uh no.
Princeton's Pov
I watched as Lisa slowly stripped from her school clothes. It was the end of the week and tomorrow's Craig's BBQ. Lisa and I had decided to get an early start by showering tonight, but her mom and my dad are at some school seminar. That's when Lisa decided we could shower, together.
I watched as Lisa seductively undid each button on her shirt. I bit my lip at the way her eyes wondered from me to my lips. When she finished unbuttoning her shirt I ripped of my white T I had worn to gym class. Lisa let down her long wavy hair and pulled down her pants taking her panties down with them. "Oh Princeton.", she said twirling her hair. "Yea.", I answered. "Want to help me take off my bra?", Lisa I asked. "Only if you can help me take off my pants.", I said getting off the bed. She smiled at me. "Sure.", she agreed. In that moment we ran at each other full speed. Lisa jumped in my arms wrapping her hands around me. Nothing could go wrong. Lisa and I were just unbreakable sure I could mess up but that would never mean Lisa would leave me and this time I wasn't going to mess up. Lisa's my everything and I mean that. I love Lisa.

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