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Hey once again love bugs I hope that you're enjoying the story. and make sure to comment like vote of that good stuff love you guys I'm here to warn you that there is sexual content and mature content enjoy bye.
She slowly got up cmballing her eyes out. She slowly removed her clothes revealing giant bruises that were likely going to turn into scars. When she was completely naked I hovered my body of hers and started to move done, giving her big purple love marks.
Princetons pov
I lined myself up with Lisa's core. The tape was around her mouth so she couldn't scream. I slowly slide deep inside of very vey tight core. I could hear Lisa gasp threw the tape, her stomach slowly retaching. After that intial thrust I began to move faster and faster earning moans from Lisa. I knew she was fighting it, but that would never work. "Like that whore?", I spat. Lisa cringed moaning heavily under the tape. As I was thrusting I decided it would better to hear her moan and groan rather than the muzzled noise the tape was making. I ripped the tap off still quickly thrusting in and out of her. She let out a yelp, but I didn't know if it was because of the tape or the large boner I was digging into her core. She began to paint and tightly close her eyes. It didn't matter to me, I continued even kissing her delicate neck. Mhmmm did she taste good. I bit down on her neck lightly licking the grouped skin. I grunted. "I-I'm close.", I muttered. I took one big thrust causing Lisa to yelp and slowly slide out repeating the process. The fourth time I came inside Lisa. My babbies gushing out of her not-so- tight core. I slid out and rolled over beside her and fell asleep.
Ericas pov
I was half way asleep when I heard my phone buzz. I checked my phone and saw it was Juliet! She said;That date tho . I smiled; so happy for you baby girl. I need all the dets. She sent back a smiley face emoji saying; I know, I know and have you heard from Lisa. I smiled remembering Lisa and Princeton's get together, wink, wink. I texted Juliet back; Why yes I have, she's on a mind bottling date with the bae. I smiled my texting her and then decided to text Lisa. She's usually up by this time; Hey Juliet, how are you babe. Then I moved back to me and Juliets conversation. The last text Juliet sent said; Omg I cant wait to hear about it! We should have a girl's day tomorrow and talk about it. I smiled, that sounds like a cool idea. I texted her back; okay sounds good. I ended my conversation with her and sat my phone done. Ray Ray and the baby were sleep beside me. Aww they looked so-, my thoughts were caught up by my phone. I picked up to see Craig calling? Why was he calling me and not Ray Ray. I answered and was bombared by request. "Give Ray Ray the phone, please it's i-it's and emergency.", he said sternly. I gasped slightly accidently waking Ray Ray up from his sleep.
I slowly hand Ray the phone and gently grabbed Ginger with a concerned look on my face. I watched as Ray told him to wait, getting up and walking out of the room. This is starting to become wierd, especially since Craig called my phone. Ray Ray had turned his off so he wouldn't wake the baby, but me. I mean me and Craig or coursal but if Ray isn't around I'm not involved. Rays family didn't exactly admire me and I knew it. Ever since that, th-that day I told Ray Ray that I-, I couldn't even think about it. It hurt too much. I looked down at my sleeping baby. I prey nothing as bad that happened to me happened to her. I examined her perfect Ginger's brown face. Before I could even realize what was happening a single tear hit her perfectly round cheek. I gasped quietly trying to find the source, not knowing it was me. The next tear made it clearer. I felt it glid gently down my cheek. I felt the heat radiating off of my cheek. I sighed whipping my babies face then my own. I tried to calm down before Ray Ray could see me like this, weak, broken. I took a few deep breathes and before I knew it, it was like it never happened. Ironically thats when Ray Ray waltz in grabbing his keys. I looked up at him."Where are you-?", I was about to ask. "I'll be back. I'll call you.", he said walking over to the my side of the bed and lightly pecking me on my cheek. I watched as he walked out a little rattled. I went to go put the baby and hopefully find out whats going on.
Lisa's Pov
After Princeton rolled off of me I felt broken. My whole body felt sore or even bruised. I sniffled to myself, scared that Princeton would wake up. I softly got off the bed and walked into the bathroom assessing the damage. I took a deep breath, the damage was really bad. I had a big purple/black bruise on my chest. I had scrapes and bruises all over my face, mainly on the right cheek. I had bruises all over my stomach along with cuts, some going deeper than others. I let out a quick sob. What's happening to me? I raised my hands up and looked down at them. They could barely bend. I knew I could do better than this, I knew I deserved way better than how I was being treated. I peaked out of the bathroom, checking to see if 'it', was still sleep. Which, it was. He laid knocked out on the bed. I took another breath and quickly glanced at myself before I decided this was it. I-I have to get out of here! I'm leaving.
Holy crap guys where is Lisa going? I hope that she's on her way and I hope that you keep reading guys the more you like the more you read the more chances of being making a sequel. Love you guys coming share tell your friends vote and like that is what makes me like the story love you guys.

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