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Erica knew she had to find Lisa. She had to comfort her friend in a time of need, who knows she might even enlighten her with her own personal account. Erica grabbed her baby and was back out, in search of Lisa.
Juliets pov
I laid quietly wrapped around Chresentos big muscly arms. I had spent the night over his house and no we did not have sex. We were relaxing and getting high off eachothers company. I think that he is, if it even exists, 'the one.'
Juliets flashback
After Princeton dropped Juliet of at the beautiful Pizzeria, he instructed her to wait inside. It was wierd taking orders from Prince. She knew exactly what he does to Lisa, and she never wants to be like that. To allow a man or in Prince's case a boy tell her what to do."I'll stand and wait.", she said. She could tell she was getting under Princeton's skin. "Fine then just wait in the God damn restaurant.", he yelled. She smiled taking her time going in. She waited by the counter. She didn't exactly know what she was waiting on but she knew it had to be something. Just then out of the corner of her eye she saw him, Chresento. She squealed but it wasn't as noticeable as you would think. Besides she already embarassed herself once, she didn't want a repeat of last time. Then she remembered, last time. She got really pink in the face when she decided she should run off. She took off towards the back, she didnt get very far. She ended up in the girl's bathroom. She ran in a stall and started to take deep breathes to calm her breathing down. She heard the bathroom down open and close. "Juliet?", Roc said. She gasped, h-he followed her. Does this means he likes her? Wait, he's in the girl's restroom! "Chresento what are you doing in here.", she said, her voice cracking threw mid-sentence. She could see his feet move closer to her stall. "I-i I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ran off on a girl as perfect as you. Juliet,you are a really smart, beautiful and unique women and I want to get to know you. I-if that's okay.", Roc almost asked. Oh my gosh, freaking Chresento, the Chresento was asking me out. I though for a while before I took another breath, I'll let him in. I opened the stall and he came flying in. He hugged me super tight and all I could do was rub his back. His perfectly toned, tight and loving back. I squealed once again in my head, hopefully not alerting him. The reunion was short lived. A women came into the bathroom and shrieked at the sight of Chresento, maybe she would leave? He must have been thinking the same thing because he gently dragged me out of the bathroom. Once we were out he turned to me. "Juliet, will you eat pizza with me. I'll pay of course.", he said taking out his wallet. I smiled, oh lala a gentle men. "Why yes, I will.", I said giving him a gut wrenching hug. It was epic, it w-was love. Ever since that day which was two days ago me and him have been really close. He even asked me to be his girlfriend, but bring the type of girl I am I said no! He left me at the dance, he broke my heart he was and will always be a jerk and thats my, aprils fools! Got you! (Lol) No but seriously, I said yes. Were offically a couple and currently I'm over his house. He just finished a game of football with his family so hes in the shower.
Juliets pov
I laid on the bed sniffing Chresentos jacket. God he smells amazing. He wore Trey Songz and it really made me fall even harder for him. I put his things done and decided to text the girls, I didn't want Roc to walk in and think I was creepy. I pulled out my phone and began to text both Lisa and Erica in a group chat. I texted them;Hey what's going on girlies. I closed my phone waiting for a reply. I heard the shower turn off, oh he must be done. I smiled sitting up in his bed. Just then my ohine buzzed. I looked down to see Ericas name flash across the screen. I thought about ignoring her call but remembered how little we've actually talked in a while. I accepted when Chresento came out fully dressed in a black shirt and a plaid black and white pajama pants. His skin still looking damp. I smiled as I put the phone to my face. "Hello.", I said sending him a small wink. "Hey I-I need you to meet at motel 6.", Erica almost whispered. My smile went down. "Is everything alright?", I asked getting concerned. Chresento must of noticed this been he came closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "P-please?", Erica saud befire hanging up. I looked at Roc looking back at me. "What's wrong?", he asked. I sighed. "Thats the problem.", I said rubbing my temple. "I don't know.", I continued. He gave me a tight hug before I decided to that I would have to leave. I grabbed my keys, purse and clothes I had brought over. I gave Roc one last 'i'll miss you kiss' then headed out.
I was driving down the rode until I came upon motel 6. I unlocked my door and hopped out, I looked the door because the motel was in a shifty area. If you didn't see a homeless men you saw a girl in short shorts, if you didnt see a girl in short shorts you saw drug dealers. The drug dealers would obviously lead to you see cops which was less of the time because despise the area. I got out and rolled my eyes at the drunk homeless men whistling at me. I looked down at Ericas text; were in room 314. We? I walked around until I eventually found the door upstairs. I knocked lightly before stepping back. Why are they in a motel?

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