part21 (edited)

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Oh and yes Tuesday I dont know if , I dont want to deal with Princeton by myself nor see him at the moment. I was tired as it is. "Hey Lisa, you good?", a voice asked. I leaned up stretching out. "Yea hun, I'm good.", I said as he walked over to the bed.
The next day;school
Princectons pov
I woke up earlier then ususal. I got up and slowly tip toed to Lisa's room. I lightly opened the door trying my best not to wake mt parents up. Once the door was ipen enough I peeked in. "Lisa.", I whispered. I didn't get a reply and thats what's going on currently.
"Hey Lisa you in there?', I asked, still in a whisper. "No she's not.", a voice called from done the hall. I looked over to see Lisa's mom. "Oh I-", I started but Lisa's mom cut me off. "Do you know where she went?", she asked her voice cracking. That's when I realized she's been crying. "N-no.", I say honestly. She pushed her head down and let out a light sob. "Princecton, be honest. How long has it been since you seen her?", Lisas mom asked. I gulped slightly, I didn't want Lisa's mom to find out about are little incident. "She'll be back she was just out with friends.", I lied. "Beside Juliet?", She asked lightly. Dang she's good. "Yea.", I lie again. She nodded with a slight smile before walking off into her room. I sigh as I shake my head. Where are you Lisa? I motioned back towards my room. To finish getting dressed for school, yip yee. Not.
I put my backpack over my back and headed inside the doors. i haven't been home yet, but I cant stand the sight of Prince right about now. As bad as he treats me I miss him. Ugh. I'm currently in Calculus. I have it with Prince but he's late as usual. What else is new.
"Miss Claybourn.", Mrs. Callum called out. I giggled at the girl's reaction. you could tell she wasn't paying any attention at all. "Umm, I don't really know what's going on.", she admitted. I laughed, we know that. Mrs. Callum turned her attention to me. "Lisa, since you think this is funny why don't you explain this to us.", she said turnning to me, along with the whole class. "It's 23. You multiply it by 35 and put it in the formula. Miss Claybourn would have known that if she was paying attention.", the class awwed at my attention. the girl I called out put her pink head down, she wouldn't dare face my direction. "I agree.", Mrs.Callum said. Just then the door slammed opened. I looked back to see who it was and soon regretted it. Standing there in a black and red polo shirt, black pants and his black converse with gold chain was none other than Princeton. "Oh Mrs. Callum I was just-", he started but was cut off. "You were just late. You were just interrupting my class. Luckily for you some of us get this matter and can explain this.", She pointed towards my direction which annoyed the fuck out of me. Princeton sighed looking my direction, once he saw me he lit up. Oh God. "You can sit by Lisa today. She can explain this to you.", Mrs. Callum announced. Boys in the background making sounds and kissy faces at us. Which really stupid because we are seniors. Mrs. Callum went to pass out papers while Princecton came to sit by me. For the next hour or so I would be stuck next to Prince 'explaining the
problem'. Which I knew, he wasn't going to listen to. He threw his backpack down and immediately faced in my direction. He gave me a intense stare which made me blush a little. I hated that he had such an affect on me. "So.", he started. "Okay so were using basic algebra-", I started. "You do know I'm not over here to discuss math, right? I rolled my eyes. "I know.", I said rubbing my temple. Princeton used his index finger to make me face him. "Look Lisa, I don't know what to say. I messed up so many times and I know sorry wont help, but I'm going to counseling. I know I went to far, hell I went to far by even touching you in the first place.", he was going on but I stopped him. "What do you mean counseling?", I said holding my head in my hands. He looked around before answering. "I went to rehab at the hospital.", Princeton said. Wow, Princeton has messed up before but it's never come down to this. Is this to far? I saw him sort of put his head down. I reached my hand out and slowly stroked his face. He slowly looked up at me which gave me light chills ."I love you Lisa I want to do better, for you.", he said honestly. See this is what I'm talking about. I could come mad at him but he always breaks me down. Plus, I feel sorry for him. He's been through a lot, loosing his mom and all. "Prince I love you but we have a lot to talk about. In the mean time I'll see how this rehab goes and maybe do some of this work.", I said pointing to the assignment. Prince looked at the paper and laughed. "The only reason I showed was for attendence and you.", he said getting up. "Where are you going?", I asked poking up at him. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and walked towards Mrs.Callum. He walked back and swiftly grabbed his backpack. 'Text me', he mouthed walking out. Later I found out, that he said he had to go to the bathroom. Even though he never came back everybody believed him. That and the teacher, Mrs.Callum didn't say a word about it. Right, now I'm in my last period. When I get home I'll get my bags and say my goodbyes to my little friend and go on home.

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