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In class bored finished my work so here we go chpt 7.
_______Lisa's pov______________
Princecton still isnt here yet so im currently pacing back and fourth waiting for him. He hasnt answered any of my many texts and im getting worried. I take deep breaths to calm myself when I heard a car door. I ran to a window down stairs and look out. Its Princeton, I take a breath mentally preparing myself to scold him, even though I'm happy hes safe. I open the door and get ready to listen to his lame speech on why he was out drinking with his boys,but once ge makes it in he passes me up. He goes up the stairs and I follow behind him. I sit at the door way a little ticked that he would just ignore me like he did but before I could say anything he pulled out flowers , candy and money. He walked over to me an kneeled down. "Lisa summers, you are my world and I would do anything to make you happy. I know I've messed up, I know I'm needy, jealous and maybe a tad aggressive but I cant help it. I love you.", he says passively. Before I knew it I was in tears. Princecton really did know how to break me even at my strongest. "Do you forgive me?.", he asked raising up. I coughed to subdue the tears. "Y-yes.", I say hugging him nearly knocking him over. "Love you bug.", he says wrapping around me tightly. Once we were done I moved on at the next subject at hand, Roc. "So, have you talked to Roc?", I asked. Princecton sort of winced. "W-why? We just made up and you mention Chresento.", he says jokingly with a hint of jealously. "Make a PB and J if your jelly.", I laugh, then continue. "Plus its not for me its for Juliet. She told Roc she loves him and-", I start. "Love
", Prince yells. I wince. "Yes love, she wants to be with him and I want to be the one to hook em up.", I say shortly. "You ft me. If you let me help Ill help make it a realty.", he says. I sigh, fine. I nodd agreeing before lightly pecking princectons cheek and giving him the biggest hug.
____________Rocs pov____________
Chresento lay limp sleeping in his bed. He was tossing and turning roughly as he to the sheets along with him.
I sat on the couch watch the 49ers vs the patriots, I whopped and hollered down at the small tv. "Chresento.", a voice said lightly. I hesitated turning away from the game, but when I looked I was shocked. There infront of me sat Juliet, fully pregnant. "Juliet.", I whimper. "Your going to wake the baby, bae.",she spoke softly. Bae? Whats she talking about? Why is she in my house? All these questions flooded my head. I didnt even realize that a small child had made his way from behind Juliet to infront of me. He tugged on the end of my polo designer shirt. I jumped. "Hey.", I said looking down at him. "Hey daddy.", he said back. I was about to go on, when I finally realized what he'd actually said. Daddy, I dont have kids. I never in my life slept with Juliet. I look to find that Juliets gone, then back done to find the boy gone also. Maybe there in the next room over. There was a light coming from that way. I walked slowly towards the light into what looks to be a living room. Florescent light made me wince a little but I kept on. Throughout the room I saw little pictures of Juliet, the boy and I. I looked closer at the picture, well he does sort of look like me. I put the picture down snd slowly move around the room. The door I came from was gone. It was if it was never there, creepy. I hear a lound thud, woah what was that? I turn and see another door, my instincts told me to run and hide but my heart told me I should check to see if it was Juliet and the boy, and with out further thought I charged forward. I went into the room and and noticed, it was the party. Juliets party! I look down to see I was in my clothes I had worn, the house was decorated the same and I could see Lisa still highly pissed off. I smiled to myself, Juliet must be here. I run to the dance floor and see her. Perfection, I think as I approach her. My palms get super sweaty, my stomach has butterflies and I want to barf. When I get four inchs away I decide to move in. "Juliet.", I say coming closer. Nothing, she didnt even look back. "Juliet.", I say louder. Still nothing. I tape her shoulder. She turned and faced me. I smiled she slowly turned around revealing herself to me. When she finally seen me she frowned. "J-Juliet, what's wrong?",I say cupping her face. She slapprd my hand down and turned away. "Juliet.", I say again. She ignores me and looks on. "Juliet please.", I beg. She starts to walk off. "Juliet, atleast tell me what I did wrong.", I say running up behind her, getting nasty looks from people I rushed threw. She turned stopping me in my tracks. "You left me.", she said in tears. "I-I'm sorry.", I say walking forward. "No, your not. If you were you wouldnt do that you wouldn't have just left me and broken my heart like that.", Juliet cries. My heart crumbles. "Juliet please.", I say reaching iut but she just ignorances me. I take a deep breath, letting out a small cough. That small cough turned into a big cough leading to a coufh frinzy and soon enough, I couldn't breath. I fell flat in the floor with my hands over my heart. I tried to scream for help but no words were coming out.
End of dream
Currently Crisanto is struggling in and out of his dream.
I wake hitting the air and taking a deep breath. When I finally realized it was a dream. I took more deep breaths to calm myself down. Oh God I need to talk to Juliet.

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