Chapter 24

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Eddard Stark

Ned entered the Small Counsel room, with a look of hidden surprise. His King, and former friend was there, sitting in the king's chair. With him were Lords Baelish, Varys, and Renly. Ned shook his head and continued to his seat beside the king. When he sat down the doors opened to show the rest of the members of the counsel. They all went to their spot and sat down.

No one spoke, letting the silence grow to unbearable levels. That was until the king spoke loudly, "Baelish." The man looked to the king, "You said you had news for me, about the Targaryen children."

Ned instantly looked to the man, who was grinning, whom was staring at the Master of Whispers. The man looked to the king, "I do, Your Grace." He looked back to Lord Varys, "And I'm surprised that you, the Spider, hasn't heard of this."

Lord Varys looked to Baelish with an unreadable face, "As you well know, Littlefinger, my little birds have been taken from me. And I was just able to gain a few hundred more." The man grinned, "But I don't believe I'm the only one losing my little birds. You have as well, Littlefinger." The named man lost his grin, "Your idea of whores have failed you. And I believe you lost them in most, or even all of Essos, and Dorne."

Littlefinger glared at the man, and went to speak, but was stopped by the King banging his horn on the table, "That's enough from the both of you." The king looked to Baelish, "Now what is it you have heard, Baelish."

The man cleared his throat, and his grin returned, "Well from what one of my birds told me, is that the Brotherhood of the Old Gods, have placed the young Daenerys Targaryen under their wings. And that some of our assassins were able to kill the Beggar King."

Ned's eyes widened, he wasn't the only though, every member did... minus Lords Varys, and Baelish. Ned looked to his king to see that he was staring at him. The man quickly looked to Baelish, "When was this?"

Baelish shrugged, "Don't know, Your Grace." Ned saw an evil grin grow onto the man's face.

'How does Lady Tully, trust this man.' Ned said to himself. Ned then felt a deep sadness grow inside him, looking down at his hands, 'What has happened Jon? What has had you burn a city down, and now risking your family?'

Ned felt someone staring at him, a stare that felt like rage, and worry. He looked up to see that Robert was looking at him. The King spoke, "Did your Bastard know of this Ned, did he command it?" Ned just stared at the man he calls King, and shook his head. Robert looked to the two spymasters, "What was the second in command's name again?"

Varys answered, "Mance Rayder, Your Grace." He then made a look of mild disgust, "Or more commonly known as the Bard, the man who holds the biggest spy network."

Baelish then spoke, adding something to the man, "He's also a Wildling, Your Grace."

The king nodded, and looked around, "Even if the whore is protected by a company who holds more men then the Lannisters and Tyrells, I want her dead."

Ned watched as most nod, well he and Ser Barristan didn't do much. He then saw the Grand Maester speak, knowing that he would say something that would make the Lannisters greater then the Brotherhood.

But he was stopped by Lord Varys, whom also noticed what the Maester was going to do, "Don't try Grand Maester. We all know that the Brotherhood could go up against, the Lannisters and win. Not only in battle but ruthlessness, and money." Everyone shivered at just the memory of what the ruthlessness was.

The King broke the silence, "With that done I call the Small Council meeting adjourned." He looked to Baelish, "Send your best whores to my Chamber."

The man nodded and everyone left. All going their own ways. When Ned left the room he was met with the faces of Ser Arthur Reyne and Jory. Both looked like they wanted to punch each others teeth out. When they noticed that their lord was there they both looked to him and followed him to the Tower of the Hand.

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