45. Meet.

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The hand left my throat as fast as it was placed there, replacing it with mine. The man stumbles a step back as I gasp for air, his lips parted and body frozen as if moving will change the course of life.

"Sylvaine?" His voice held so many emotions. Unsure, fear, guilt, happiness, joy, sorrow. 

I jumped when the door opened with a loud band almost breaking it from its hinges. The man in front of me hid the view of my two males who looked furious.

"Get the fuck away from her." Cassius' voice was loud and demanding enough to push my body back further to the wall.

"What are you doing here?" The man in front of me said, similar in height to Cassius. "This place is only for the royals of the Wolverine kingdom. Get out!"

"Killan what are you doing?" The crown consort said making my eyes widen. This was one of my fathers who was standing in front of me. "Step aside from her, please."

"No!" He steps back making me inch closer to the wall. "No! I will not!" 

I looked over his shoulder to Aiden whose eyes held nothing but anger. 

"Luke," Cassius said, keeping his voice under control as he spoke to the crown consort. His eyes were red and black as tattoos swirled over his arms. "Tell your mate to move before I rip his heart out."

"Killan!" His voice held so much confusion making Killan shake his head.

"I will not! Never again!" I let out a small whimper knowing why he was saying that. "Can't you see she is here? Finally. Why in the name of the moon goddess will I hand her to these leaches!"



"Okay, that's it!" Cassius lounged for him making me scream. In a matter of seconds, I was in Aiden's arms as he rushed me out of the room.


"It's okay, you are fine now." We were going so fast through the castle; it was hard to breathe.


"Did he hurt you?" He held my face as I shook my head, tears spilling from my eyes. "Don't worry, Cassius will handle it."

"Aiden listen-"

"It's fine." He said as he kept walking. His voice was so soft and soothing, making my guilt swallow me whole. "We will call a doctor; you look awfully pale."

"The man, Aiden he-"

"He will be punished Ava," He looked at me with stern eyes. "Don't worry."

We reached the main grounds of the gardens. Our guest rooms were on the other side from the looks of it. 

"Aiden, stop!" He stopped for once looking at me with confused eyes, still holding me. "I-I."

"What is it, Ava?" He looked calmer now, still stiff but at least calm. 

I looked at him hesitantly. He deserves to know the truth. They both do. I will tell them. I can't lie to them forever. If they don't accept me, then at least they won't be stuck living with a fraud. 

-Tell them both together.

I nod at Esmeray's words.

"Is everything all right?" I jumped a bit when I heard that voice making Aiden hold me close in his arms. 

It was the High King of the Shadowland. I pushed my body closer to Aiden, making his hold tighter.

"It's alright," Aiden says with a nod but the man keeps walking in our direction making me stiff. 

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