12. Questions.

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No perspective.


"Ava! Wake up!"

Ava gasps and shoots up on the bed. Panic takes over as she feels someone's hands around her shoulders. She blinked a couple of times forgetting she can't still see. Aiden was standing by her side of the bed. Looking at her in worry.

"Ava, it's Aiden." Her shoulders slump in relief. "You're okay. It was just a dream."

Ava gulped and cringed at her dry throat. Taking the glass from the side table she took a few sips handing it back to Aiden.

"Thanks." She said sleepily.

"Ava," Aiden narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you okay?"

She furrowed her brows making him growl. She realised what she was doing and immediately relaxed her forehead. Two days passed and every time she made expressions which could cause the stitches to open, Aiden would growl making her realise. She smiled when he had told her that it was tiring for him to constantly remind her by speaking. So now he just growls.

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare." She gives him a reassuring smile but it didn't come upon her face.

She was worried now. These dreams keep repeating and each time it would feel more and more real. She snapped out of her thoughts when Aiden carcasses her hand to bring her attention.

"Ava, you've been having these nightmares for consistent two days." He was worried about her rest. He knew about it because she was here but he got worried about all the other times.

What if she has frequent nightmares? Is it about her father? Or something to do with her past?

"It's nothing." She shrugs it off. "Sorry to wake you."

Aiden shakes his head to only realised she can't see his actions. "It's no problem." He could notice she was shivering. "Should I close the windows? You look cold."

"No!" She panics making Aiden widen his eyes at her action. Clearing her throat, she continues. "I can't sleep with closed windows."

Aiden wanted to protest but complied. "Okay. Do you want anything else? Blankets, more pillows, warmer dresses, maybe–"

Ava chuckles while rubbing her drowsy eyes. "No need Aiden. Trust me. And if I count the number of pillows behind me that would certainly be around thirty. So, no, but I appreciate the concern."

Aiden's heart warms up seeing her smile like that for the first time. She truly looked like an angel, just like Silas said.

"Okay. Good night, Ava." He said, turning around, and heading towards the couch.

"Um–" that was enough for him to sprint by her side. The speed so fast made a few of Ava's hair strands blow. "You can sleep next to me."

Aiden was surprised to hear that, happy but surprised. He liked the thought of having his mate by his side. Someone who wants to be with him in the bed, not just for sex. He had never had that with Silas and it pained him to the core remembering those times. He would ask Silas to stay but he never did and that emptiness was enough to have his own insecurities.

"Are you sure?" He still asked not wanting her to do it just because of who he is. "I don't mind the couch. It's quite comfy." He said chuckling making a smile curve over her lips.

"No, seriously. You can. I promise I won't do anything." She joked making him chuckle.

"Mhm." He plops onto the other side of the bed and snuggles under the covers. "And what would have you done?" He asked teasingly.

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