20. Arms

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I need to study...but well one chapter won't hurt.

Heads up...
Minor sexual content.

Tw. Eating disorder?


"It isn't fitting, Ava."

"What?" I pull the up trying my best to suck in my lower stomach to make the dress glide up. "But these are the new ones, right?" I look at her with worry.

"Yes, but I don't know what changed in the week's time," Merida mumbles making me bite my lip in frustration.

I know what changed Merida. Three sweet pieces of bread just decided to live in my body tax-free. I should have controlled myself in the flea market.

I huff as I stop my efforts to fit myself into the dress. The corner of my eyes stings looking down at my plump stomach which was not there last week.

Stupid sweet bread.

"It's fine Merida," I let out a sad smile not looking at her through the mirror knowing she must be giving me pity looks.

"It's not your fault Lady Ava," Merida says as she fetches another dress from the closet. "The seamster must have mistaken your measurements."

"Yea." Now I had no interest to go downstairs and face Silas who will probably give me another snarky remark.

I tried reaching out to Esmeray but nothing came back. Ironically, I am getting worried about her silence.

Getting dressed, we both walked towards the dining hall but throughout the walk, my mind traveled its way back to the past.

I was tired. I have been waiting here for almost an hour now. We were supposed to be reaching the castle by eight but it's almost nine now.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Papa said from the kitchen as I stood at the door looking outside.

"No, I'm sure he must be caught up in something. He will be here any minute." My voice wasn't convincing but I still looked at our gate longingly for him to come.

"You have been saying that for an hour now, Ava." He said sadly and I tried my best not to think of the worst.

He'll be here.

I looked down at my gown which I had bought just for this event knowing I won't be able to do any other purchases in the next two months.

You need posh clothes for posh events. Duke's mother had offered me one but I can't always wear her clothes. It makes me feel as if I am some burden.

My ears perked up when I heard the main gate opening and I looked out of the glass doors. A smile curved up its way when I saw Kane.

He was sitting in the carriage looking at me with a smile.

The sadness which was there a few minutes ago vanished in seconds.

"He's here papa. I should go now or else we'll be late." I hugged him goodbye as I jogged my way to the carriage standing outside.

"Shouldn't he come inside first?" He furrowed his brows.

I pursed my lips knowing well that Kane won't step a foot inside the house. According to him, it doesn't match his standards.

"We would be late if he comes inside right now."

"That boy has not properly introduced himself to me and I am not going to let my daughter be with such a person." He held my hand, stopping me from leaving.

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