07. Cold

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Hello lovely people!!!


Do you ever have that feeling when you are very full in your stomach you can't even look at it? Well, that's what I am feeling.

Breakfast was great and to be fair I ate more than I usually would. Probably because I didn't have dinner yesterday. It was odd though, Aiden kept shoving food on my plate as if he was feeding a giant.

I barely ate more than two plates so this was a bit of a shock for me. Now I am just sitting here awkwardly fidgeting with my napkin on my lap. Not looking at the two men. Silas was sitting at the head of the table with Aiden on his left and me on his right.

Throughout our breakfast, I did notice that Aiden was the more talkative whereas Silas preferred silence. But that doesn't mean that I didn't sense his eyes on me all this time. I have been getting various questions in my head and one of them which made me more nervous was meeting the king.

Merida had said that his highness would join us for breakfast but I don't see him anywhere. I would have guessed Silas as the king due to his dominating aura but I don't know. The last time I was in this room was yesterday, Aiden was sitting at the head of the table and I could have guessed him as the king.

I don't know.

Aiden cleared his throat making my eyes peer in his direction. I could see from the corner of my eye that Silas hadn't moved his gaze to Aiden. It was still over my face.

"So Ava, tell us a bit about you." He asked resting his hands on the table.

What is this? A freaking tea party?

I let out a yelp and jumped in my seat hearing a growl from Silas. I gulped looking at him seeing his red eyes boring into mine. With anger? Or amusement? I don't know.

What am I supposed to tell them? Should I tell the truth? But if I do and they ask for the people I know, there is no other than Duke now. What if they hurt him or use him against me? Threaten to hurt him?

"Ava?" My head shot to Aiden who was patiently waiting for my reply. Oh, how much is the difference between these two men.

"Umm," I look between Aiden and the window behind him. The darkness didn't allow me to see anything other than a few shadows of branches. "What do you want to know?" I say timidly.

I wish I can jump out of that window.

"Anything about you." He shrugs slightly and gives me a soft smile. He didn't look like the Aiden who threatened me yesterday. No, he was much kind.

"Well, I was brought up in the kingdom of Mertz." I didn't give much.

"And?" Aiden tilted his head to the side, waiting for more.

I just fidget with my fingers trying not to be anxious as I looked between him and Silas. I could see Silas was getting impatient and if Aiden was, he was masking it well with his smile.

"I don't know." Seriously though, what do they expect me to tell them?

"Okay." Aiden nodded and looked at Silas with narrowed eyes and then back at me with a smile.

He is surely bipolar.

"Why don't we ask you questions and you answer, mhm?" He said making me give a hesitant nod. "Why were you so deep in the woods?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line contemplating whether to tell them the truth or not.

"Umm, I was talking a walk." I sounded so pathetic. Couldn't have said something better?

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