25. Deep

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It's been raining for two days straight. It was even getting colder making me pull my shawl closer to my body. Sitting in the middle of the library I skimmed through the pages of the books.

I wanted answers and I was not going to leave this room until I found something.

Letting out a sigh I paced the third book away not gaining anything about what I wanted to know.

-Maybe we need to go see a physician. I chucked at Esmeray's humor.

I don't think I am crazy Esmeray.

-I never called you crazy, it's just that maybe we'll get answers faster if we speak to someone.

My mind went to that night and before I could ask Esmeray groaned.


Why not?

-He is a prisoner did you not see? Esmeray said making me press my lips together.

I can't think of anyone else who will not tell about it to Silas or Aiden.

-Did Merida die in that list of yours?

No, she didn't. But you know she told Silas that it was us who decided to make his breakfast salty.

-Then what was she supposed to say? Esmeray huffed. She can't lie to him you know that.

That proves the point of not going to her to ask about what is happening to us.

Thinking about it I know for sure that Esmeray is a wolf because when I had asked Merida that, do all supernatural beings have a voice in their head, she denied it. She said that only demons and werewolves have another part of their soul.

My eyes were golden, similar to the man in the dungeons when I had once looked in the mirror. Even though it was a small moment, it could be the answer. There is a high possibility that I can be a werewolf as I am adopted. Papa never told me where he found me but that's all I can think about.

The only thing I have from my birth parents is the necklace and I am not even sure if could be theirs.

I can't go to Silas or Aiden because they have a clear hatred for werewolves for reasons I don't know of. If I go to Merida and start asking her such questions, it might be a problem in the future.

I don't know why neither Aiden nor Silas identifies me as a werewolf when they were able to do it in the market. I am a human in their eyes. I don't want it to be like a surprise one day if I just show my wolf side or can't hide my sent.

That is if I am a werewolf.

There are many other species out there. But having an inside voice narrows it down to only two. I don't have wings like demons, not that I know off. But for now, I will stick to the werewolf part.

The only near source I have is that man. I know it's stupid but there is no option anymore.

Looking around making sure Aiden and Silas are not there, I left the library and walked toward the dungeons. I am not sure which hallways Silas took when he threw me in there. I was dangling over his shoulder upside down for me to notice.

I don't know how much time passed but my feet were aching by the time I reached the dungeons. There was one problem though, 2 guards were standing outside the doors.

-How are we going to get past them?

I don't know. Should I act like I am going to get sick?

-How is that going to get us past those doors? Esmeray groaned

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