24. Storm

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*cough...cough* teeny tiny sexual content.


Goosebumps rose on my skin as Aiden got on his knees and crawled toward us. I don't know what part of my brain is damaged to feel this turned on.

I could feel Silas inhaling deeply, his ringed fingers feeling cold yet warm over my throat as Aiden crawled near keeping his eyes fixated on the vampire behind me.

I shifted on my feet feeling warmth pool up in my stomach and the look Aiden gave me for a split second told me that they both knew how I felt about this situation.

A bitch in heat.

I sucked a breath in when I felt Silas lean down to my ear. "Eyes on my bitch, little human." I held back my moan as I leaned more into his bare chest.

Aiden was no longer looking at Silas. His eyes were fixated on my green ones as he stood just an inch away from my feet.

Gosh, this was so degrading.

-I am ready to crawl my ass in the snow in front of those men.

My eyes widened at Esmeray's words.

"Stand." I clenched my thighs as Silas breathed out his demanding words near my ear.

Aiden stood up without a second thought and I squirmed under his gaze as he towered over me. His eyes had a darker shade of red in them and I was no stranger to a man's eyes filled with lust.

"Kiss me." I gasped when Silas spoke not knowing to whom the kiss was directed. Aiden leaned as he pressed me between him and Silas' chest. He latched on to Silas' mouth with hunger.

My body heated up as my hands went up to his chest and both of them inched forward to press their hips against mine. I let out a shaky breath with Silas circling in his arms around my waist and pulling me incredibly closer.

I could feel the heat in this room even though there was a bloody storm outside. I bit my lip feeling both of the vampires rock hard against my abdomen.

My head leaned back and I closed my eyes as Aiden rubbed himself over me, still clothed I got more aroused as I heard the two men moan as they kissed each other. Their hot breath made me shake when it trailed down my neck

"Tell me, little human," I gasped when Silas bit my ear. "Do you want this?"

My thoughts were too clouded to respond but I knew one thing. There was no going back from here. The pendant warmed again making me shift a bit.

Would I be safe here? Because if I do this it would be hard for me to ever leave and not just because of the mere fear of being a prisoner here but because my body reacted differently around them.

I never felt like this when I was with Kane. I was more nervous and anxious but being with Silas and Aiden made me excited and nervous.

-It's the mate bond. Give it a try. We still have a week left for the month to get over. If you are not comfortable, we can always leave.

I agreed with Esmeray's words. I still have a week.

So, I nodded not meeting either one of their eyes.

I let out another gasp when Aiden replaced Silas' hand over my throat making me look straight into his eyes. Both of them caged me into their strong arms. A few of Aiden's brown hair strands cover his forehead as he leans down.

"Words darling," His lips ghosted over mine making me flutter and my eyes close. "Use your words. Because if we take this one kiss, we will take all of them from now."

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